Pokémon Rumble is a simple, basic and repetitive beat-em-up with a nice kick of that good old Pokémon charm slapped on. You run through 6 stages, followed by a Battle Royale, with 4 ranks spanning from C to S, Finishing with a slightly tense but mostly easy battle against Mewtwo to earn the title of champion. It does some things very right, trying out different types of moves and styles of Pokémon is a fun time, albeit the novelty wears thin by the end of it. Surprisingly, the game offered more depth than initially expected, with different perks and a wide variety of different moves to learn and Pokémon to obtain, and for hardcore players, you could stretch a good amount of hours out of your experience here, trying to collect them all, or decking out moves for what I assume would be much more difficult stages in the post game content the game provides. For me however, I was satisfied with my fix by the end of the ‘Normal’ mode, and think i’ve fulfilled the extent of my desire to delve into the world of Pokémon Rumble, unless I am presented with the rare case scenario of finding somebody to play it with in multiplayer. Pokémon Rumble serves its purpose well: a very simple, yet lighthearted and fun WiiWare title. 7.2/10
Me gustan mucho estos spin offs, son bastante simpáticos y la forma en la que están diseñados los muñecos me hace mucha gracia, tienen una cara de tonto que flipa compadre. En este rumble hay un parche el cual añade la segunda y tercera generación, que sinceramente no se ni por qué no estuvo desde un principio
Esse é um tipo diferente de Pokémon que achei bem legal, porque mesmo tendo gráficos simples e os pokémons parecendo bonequinhos, a mecânica do jogo que é quase um beat up, acabou tornando pra mim um dos meus jogos favoritos da franquia, pena que esse foi o único bem feito desta franquia, os posteriores mudaram muito e ficou meio sem graça, gostaria que continuassem a fazendo deste jeito e com outros Pokémon.