Pathologic 2

23 May 2019

Xbox One PlayStation 4 PC (Microsoft Windows)
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6.3 rating
365 want
227 played
48 playing
12 reviews
Ice-Pick Lodge



Pathologic 2 is a narrative-driven dramatic thriller about fighting a deadly outbreak in a secluded rural town. You are a healer, and to save anyone, you'll have to survive in this bleak and strange world, where even food and medicine are scarce.

An essential companion piece to the original, while still sitting comfortably in the shortlist for the best games ever made.
19 Aug 2023
Too obtuse for my tastes
13 Aug 2024
Same as Funger, you can't save everyone, you will lose eventually, enjoy what you can of the journey
10 Jun 2024
"The game tells you, openly, that you will lose. That you cannot save everyone, that it's a fool’s errand to even try. Then with a wink and a smile, it asks you to be that fool."
28 Apr 2024
Played the ps4 version, and it was the worst experience technically wise. The idea beyond the game is intriguing but you can't really feel the game when it's barely holds itself.
15 Apr 2023
A weird and dark game that you have to stick with the characters in order to understand the whole thing. sadly it doesn't drag you into the core of it.
25 Jan 2022
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