Party Animals

20 Sep 2023

PlayStation 4 Xbox One PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox Series X|S PlayStation 5
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5.0 rating
537 want
391 played
116 playing
27 reviews
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Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras

5h 3m

100% completion

Based on 1 answers

Fight your friends as puppies, kittens and other fuzzy creatures in PARTY ANIMALS! Paw it out with your friends remotely, or huddle together for chaotic fun on the same screen. Interact with the world under our realistic physics engine. Did I mention PUPPIES?


what fun simple party game, think of it as better gang beast, atleast imho, im havin a blast playing this with my friends

if someday this game goes free or available on gamepass, grab it
29 Jun 2022

Party Animals is a fun and quirky game that you can enjoy as a Xbox/PC exclusive with GamePass access. It's a great choice for fans of games like Gang Beasts, Fall Guys or Bomb Squad, where you can compete with other players in a cute but chaotic battle royale. The game is best played with a friend, as the duo mode is more engaging and fun than the solo or squad modes. The animals have some differences, and the skins are also mostly cosmetic but humorous. The levels are well-designed and offer some variety and challenge unlike what the general reviews say. Party Animals is a game that you can have a pretty good time with, even if you don't win every match. I recommend it for anyone looking for a fun and casual multiplayer game. You could easily fit this game, next to your other games and plans, the matches are not short or too long. The amout of time feels just right. Definitely recommend it to play with a partner!
04 Nov 2023
A pretty fun game

Not a game to play everyday but its good to hop in from time to time and play a few hours
01 Jul 2024
Good game
It's fun, even more so if you play it with friends, it can make you laugh in many moments even though it may seem repetitive at times, it's still very good to pass the time
16 Nov 2023
I had high hopes for Party Animals.. the humor is top notch from character design to animations.. the fun modes.. but overall it feels lacking!

The controls were frustrating, regardless of how they were designed. and it was a killjoy for me.

Still it may get a lot better later with updates.
09 Oct 2023
Joyfull game
09 Oct 2023
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