Overcooked! 2

07 Aug 2018

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch
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8.0 rating
592 want
5145 played
747 playing
170 reviews
Ghost Town Games


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras

11h 30m

100% completion

21h 16m
Based on 25 answers

Overcooked returns with a brand-new helping of chaotic cooking action! Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op or online play for up to four players. Hold onto your aprons… it’s time to save the world again!

Had a lot of fun hours fighting with my friends over who burnt the rice and who should wash the dishes, with some friendships ruined forever. very fun experience would do it all over again.
02 Apr 2024
🇮🇹 • 🇬🇧

Gioco molto frenetico ed ad alto ritmo. Giocato con un amico, davvero molto divertente. Uno di quei giochi in cui ripeti lo stesso livello per avere 3 stelle e per farlo ti metti d'accordo con il tuo amico e ti organizzi come fare per ottimizzare i tempi e poter fare tutto in tempo. Molto apprezzato. La storia principale durata il giusto, location varie che influenza il gameplay con effetti atmosferici o elementi ambientali che ti ostacolano. Piatti molto diversi più o meno complessi. Trama davvero banale e infima che viene totalmente ignorata. Stile grafico piacevole, abbastanza semplice ma fatto bene, musiche ad alto ritmo. Gioco fatto bene in generale, qualche piccolissimo bug qualche volta ma niente di grave.

Very frenetic and high paced game. Played with a friend, really a lot of fun. One of those games where you repeat the same level to get 3 stars and to do that you agree with your friend and arrange how to do it to optimize the time and be able to do everything in time. Much appreciated. Main story lasts just the right amount of time, varied locations that influence gameplay with atmospheric effects or environmental elements that hinder you. Very different dishes more or less complex. Really trivial and infamous plot that is totally ignored. Pleasant graphic style, quite simple but done well, high tempo music. Game done well in general, some very small bugs sometimes but nothing serious.
13 Dec 2023
Me and my brother almost made our parents divorce. I recommend
08 Nov 2023
Nice coop game. You lose a lot of friendships with this one.
26 Jan 2024
Great fun for a group
14 Mar 2023
What a blast!!! My brain is on fire!
05 Aug 2024
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