Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections

16 Nov 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.9 rating
783 want
1319 played
647 playing
128 reviews
Bandai Namco Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

7h 11m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

24h 9m
100% completion icon

100% completion

24h 9m
Based on 66 answers

The next exciting entry in the STORM series, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Naruto's anime debut, releases 2023! The game features new playable characters in addition to the 124 ninjas from past series! Plus, it connects key moments from the first four STORM entries into one game for the first time.

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The moment this game was announced by Bandai I immediately felt nervous about this game however very optimistic because I was hoping they would switch this game up a bit. To my disappointment they didn't. This was yet a copy and paste of Storm 4, with some new story mode missions...well if you can call a Remaster of the missions from Storm 1 "new". This game barely changes.

They have added 1 new jutsu for each customer and some of the new jutsus are deadass useless. Slightly enhanced graphics that you can barely notice. And like 12 new characters with some of them being new variants of sasuke, naruto and boruto... exhausting am I right?

How are you such a rich company but refuse to spend money to work on this game. This game should have included the remaining missing shippuden characters plus the new gen characters as a base roster. The fact that they took this many years to bring a dlc???? Miss girl should have been on the roster day 1! She was even in the ps2 games! And not to mention 2 of the other dlcs are variants....of kawakii and boruto. Is RIDICULOUS. Borushiki should have been in the roster day 1. It pisses me off. Not to mention they taking 3 months to release the new season it's basically asking for your game to die.
Lastly how did it take nearly 10 years for this game and no characters are reworked??? Some characters are genuinely so slow and do baby damage (cough jiraiya) some characters' ultimates legit look like they came from 2010. I'm SICK of this shit. Tsunade is the only hokage with 1 jutsu while the rest have 2-3. How does tsunade still have the same Ultimate she had in storm 1 which is a whole decade+ old game. She even had 3-4 on the ps2 games! Same goes for other characters. They barely did anything for this game to give it justice. And gave it a full price because they know gullible fans such as me would pay for it because of our loyalty to this show. Very twisted bandai. Might aswell have been a dlc for storm 4 in my opinion. They would have received less backlash.

Lastly why do offline matches or p1vs ps2 or p1 vs cpu drop such low ryo.Also same with the costumes too however this time you get to spend in game money to unlock....Colour options for the costumes, and they dont provide ryo drops unless you play online or level up characters. Lazy and wild. If you're on Storm 4 skip this. If you're new to the games then you'd like this.
13 Nov 2024
19 Dec 2023
could be better with more content, but the online battle is extremely fun, 450 + hours well spent
30 Nov 2024
I love you
07 May 2024
Hmmm so happy
09 Dec 2024
I mean... they just released it for more Money
06 Dec 2024
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