Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3

22 Dec 2005

PlayStation 2
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7.0 rating
162 want
1332 played
120 playing
63 reviews
Namco Bandai Games


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Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

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100% completion

90h 18m
Based on 10 answers

NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja 3 makes leaps in the franchise with a host of “firsts” for the series. Players can now live through and be a part of all the major events that defined Story Arc 1 in Heroes History mode. Also, ninja-in-training can customize their characters with the Ultimate Jutsu which gives them that extra bit of edge during battle and allows them to earn points towards upgrading their strength, defense, chakra, agility and other special abilities. Turn playable characters into more powerful ninja of unprecedented size or summon giant creatures as allies with the new Summoning mode. In addition, NARUTO fans throughout North America can experience the game in both English and original Japanese voice over. In keeping with the tradition of the series, an exclusive and original story has players exploring the massive 3D rendered Hidden Leaf Village, participating in battle royale matches and completing more than 55 missions. The experience doesn’t stop there as tons of unlockable content are available to offer loads of replay value including movies, music and cards

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Will always be my childhood fav game 🫶🏻
27 Jun 2023
Really gets the naruto vibe and got nice ideas with movement and nice attacks and quick time events
31 Dec 2024
02 Jun 2022
Plataforma: PS2
Nota: 8/10

Eu adorava os jogos dessa franquia, ainda que não tenha jogado os dois primeiros.
Era um dos meus jogos favoritos, zerei umas 3 vezes e certamente estou disposta a zerar mais uma vez pelos bons tempos.

A história é muito legal; tinha um mapa bom de se explorar; o sistema de luta era muito bom e a fluidez do jogo é extremamente satisfatório.

A história principal é parcialmente curta, mas tem várias outras coisas para se explorar que acaba estendendo o tempo de jogo.
08 Jun 2023
El mejor juego de naruto de PS2. Abarca desde el comienzo delanga hasta la saga del rescate de Sasuke. La jugabilidad mejoró con una gran cantidad de personajes a manejar, coleccionables que conseguir y toda una gran modo campaña que superar. Los gráficos mejoran de forma brutal, las técnicas finales son impresionantes y la recreación de todos los mapas muy fiel al manga. La banda sonora es maravillosa con muchísimos temas para oír por horas. Para mi tiene un 8,8 de nota, un juegazo que siempre se recuerda con cariño para los fans del ninja rubio.
12 May 2024
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