Naruto: Ninja Council 3

27 Apr 2006

Nintendo DS
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6.2 rating
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Naruto: Ninja Council 3 is the fourth installment in the Ninja Council series for the Nintendo DS. Character-related content such as Kimimaro, the Sound 4's special attacks and their alternate forms themselves are changed or removed in the international versions. The game includes a Naruto CCG card as an added bonus. It features a "Movie" mode, which allows players to watch secret techniques. In Europe it was released by Nintendo as Naruto: Ninja Council European Edition. Naruto: Ninja Council 3 has similar gameplay to the last two games in the series. The missions take place on a small map. The touch screen serves as both a map and as a place to perform different jutsu. Animals and ninjas are the typical opponents in the game. On certain missions, the player has to fight bosses, which are usually the antagonists from the series, including Ino. During missions, the player has to defeat the opponent under various conditions (e.g. having the character's health cut in half, protecting an ally, using a certain move to K.O. the opponent, etc.)

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• Story Mode ×
30 Oct 2022
He visto en varios sitios que decían que era malo,a día de hoy no lo he rejugado,pero si que me acuerdo de niño que me lo pasaba 500 veces y lo seguia disfrutando.
Pdt:como dato por si alguien tiene la misma confusión que yo,en Europa este juego se llama Ninja Council European Version.
11 Nov 2024
Juego de la franquicia del ninja rubio que estará formado por varias misiones de la d a la s donde irán variando a los objetivos que te manden, desde pegar murciélagos o barriles a luchar con ninjas poderosos. Esta entretenido y para el poco contenido trae un buen plantel de personajes pero es de muy corta duración y las misiones pueden acabar siendo repetitivas.
12 Dec 2023