
Mortal Kombat

13 Sep 1993

Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
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N/A rating
3 want
85 played
3 playing
2 reviews
Acclaim Entertainment
Tec Toy



The Genesis port of Mortal Kombat had an edge over the SNES version because it didn't have as much as censoring. For it to have a lower age rating, though, the blood is missing by default from the game, but available through the input of a cheat code. This version was given an MA-13 rating by the Videogame Rating Council.

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صراحة هذا اسوء جزء
تحسه ممل ومايشجعك تكمل ومافي حركات كثير وجربت ابحث كيف اسوي حركات fatality وماقدرت اسويها يمكن انها مو موجودة ومافي شخصيات كثيرة
08 Aug 2023
Bom, tinha poucos personagens, jogabilidade um pouco travada, mas na época era fantástico ver o sangue jorrando na tela. Muitas horas de diversão eu tive.
17 Jul 2024