Moons of Madness

21 Mar 2020

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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6.9 rating
106 want
108 played
4 playing
10 reviews
Rock Pocket Games


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Main story icon

Main story

5h 18m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Moons of Madness throws the player into a unique, first person, psychological horror game, combining Lovecraft influence with hard sci-fi.

super cool idea but i kinda wanted more?
25 Aug 2024
great atmosphere
10 Mar 2023
The story was kinda cool but the game play was mostly walk here, run away from this. The puzzles were neat and I did enjoy the horror aspects of it. Near the end the story got really weird and off track, seems like they wanted to do way to much at the same time. Was alright
05 Mar 2023
Fan of lovecraftian stories, sim games and the cosmic horror genre, i tried this game on PS5.

Graphically it is an old game so i didn't expected much it is in fact pretty ugly but i never play these type of games for the graphics but for the mystery and the horror elements that comes with them and was rather disappointed.
One word comes to mind "frustration", it occurs too many times to the detriment of the horrifying atmosphere, mystery and tension.

Gameplay is very repetitive and clunky.
Puzzles really bothered me the most and stressed me out, they're never explained properly to ease their completions, in fact i needed to use Youtube video guides several time to resolve them.
Don't get me started on the qte's parts that start appearing from nowhere, in the most boring boss battle ever ( you heard me well a boss battle in a sim game) they were terrible and almost made me quit the game and never going back!

Exploration is never rewarded and very linear because the level-design is not that great, the same assets are used in every rooms (looking at boring rocks, seriously?) and very narrow areas and corridors to explore are used constantly.
Game loop is uninspired too, the objectives are quite boring to complete because of too much backtracking and redundancy.
Find this item, then do this puzzle, then unlock the next level. Rinse and repeat to advance the story.

Taking about the story now, it is not fleshed out, it is rushed, not very scary and the mystery aint entertaining or even compelling.

I enjoyed some of the side characters presented (shout out Declan) but they were never truly fleshed out and the computer logs, you can find throughout the game to know better about them and also revealing the mysteries of what's happening on Mars, weren't that pleasant and interesting to read, too much scientist boring lingo for the sake of it!

Finally i won't recommend to pay to play this game if you are as much into this genre as me.
I played many sim games, more scary, more entertaining than this game. Alien Isolation, Prey or Amnesia to name a few, and it doesn't hold a candle to them.
Still i finished it for the story that can be interesting in rare occasions but promptly fall into the cliché of better games than what Moons of madness ultimately is.
That's a 4 out of 10 for me.
25 Feb 2023
At the first moments of the game it turned out to be a good horror game, but with terrible interface, controls and exhausting puzzles ruined the experience. It's not recommended by me.
04 Oct 2020
Игра красивая и более менее интересная. Резких скримеров мало, где-то надо побегать, где-то стелсить. Сюжет неплохой. В самом начале игра начинала захватывать, потом сразу как-то наскучила, ну а в конце снова подогрела интерес. Не знаю даже как оценить игру, я её сравнивал по геймплею с игрой SOMA, так вот SOMA для меня была намного интереснее. Думаю один раз точно можете попробовать сыграть.
02 Sep 2024
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