
Mega Man Powered Up

02 Mar 2006

PlayStation Portable
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N/A rating
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124 played
3 playing
10 reviews



Mega Man Powered Up, known as Rockman Rockman in Japan, is a remake of the first Mega Man game. It was released worldwide for the PlayStation Portable in March 2006. It was later released in a bundle alongside Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X and was slated for release on the PSP's PlayStation Network. It was released for the PlayStation Network service in Japan, but a US release did not occur due to technical difficulties. The game uses a chibi-style that was intended for the original game but was not possible at the time. The designers intended to keep this design faithful to the way the characters worked and looked in the original. While it received generally positive reviews, the game sold poorly, and plans for a remake of Mega Man 2 titled Mega Man Powered Up 2 fell through.

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هذه اللعبة ممتعة بشكل مجنون لعبة تمنيت ان يعاد انتاجها للجيل الجديد اتمنى ان تحدث معجزة لهذه اللعبة دون تغيير موسيقتها

This game is crazy fun, a game that I wished would be reproduced for the new generation. I hope that a miracle will happen to this game without changing its music.
19 Jul 2022
Jogo bonitinho que só! Um jogo que precisava de remake era o Mega Man clássico, que era desbalanceado e difícil...adoro a estética desse jogo.

🏆 100% - zerar todas as fases e pegar todos os itens
05 Feb 2025
Tmb nunca aprendi a jogar, acho que eu era muito burro
14 Dec 2024
Remake extremamente bem vindo, deixa bem mais jogável que o 1 original e com a adição de uma campanha nova com dois novos chefes
01 Jun 2024
Siri Mega Man Remake yang dibuat untuk sistem PSP. Base konsep dan plot adalah dari Mega Man 1. Seorang profesor (Dr Wily) tiba-tiba menjadi jahat dan ingin menguasai dunia. Dia memanipulasi semua robot ciptaan sahabat profesornya, Dr. Light dan menjadikan diorang anak buahnya. Cuma tinggal Mega Man, seorang robot biasa yang selalu ditugaskan untuk membeli groceries dan sapu sampah saja robot yang Dr Light ada sekarang. Mega Man menawarkan diri untuk membantu menyelamatkan/memujuk rakan-rakan robotnya yang lain, sekaligus menghalang cita-cita Dr Wily. Untuk itu, Mega Man diberikan satu sut tempur untuk berjuang.
19 Sep 2024
Ele é sim um bom remake, melhorando muitas coisas do primeiro mega man e adicionando ótimos conteúdos adicionais mas ele não me prendeu tanto.
05 Jul 2024
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