Mega Man 4

06 Dec 1991

Wii Wii U Family Computer Nintendo 3DS Nintendo Entertainment System
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N/A rating
68 want
341 played
7 playing
16 reviews


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras


100% completion

3h 30m
Based on 2 answers

For a year the city has been quiet, but a new robotic terror has gripped the city! That scheming scientist, Dr. Cossack has arrived in town with eight new metal maniacs who are bigger and badder than anything Dr. Wily dreamed of. It's going to be a cybernetic showdown as the streets of the city erupt with the sizzling sounds of molten metal! Armed with the new Mega Buster, Mega Man runs, jumps and dodges his way through mazes of metallic munchkins on his way to the Siberian citadel of Dr. Cossack for the final cataclysmic clash!

Underrated RockMan game, some of the best weapons in the series. RingMan is the best
25 Aug 2024
I always hear megaman purists say "this is the best one". However in my humble opinion... I think it's quite shit. Alot of the level design is spike and pit centric. You burn through lives faster than quick man. It's very satisfying to overcome said hard levels. But that goes for any hard game and is such a shallow praise. I will say the robot masters in this game are quite awesome so I think that adds a point. In conclusion, megaman 2 is still the best classic series game you "special snowflakes"
25 Nov 2023
Liked the story and gameplay
02 Aug 2023
How is Toad Man somehow not the dumbest robot master introduced in this game?
09 Apr 2023
Own Nes copy CIB.
08 Aug 2020
Played: 24 hours
Record: 2 164 624 points
Platform: Xbox (as a part of Mega Man Anniversary Collection)
27 May 2020
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