Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble

23 Aug 2000

Game Boy Color
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N/A rating
43 want
75 played
13 playing
4 reviews
HAL Laboratory
Nintendo R&D2


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

2h 30m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 1 answers

Peacefully sleeping in his Dream Land, Kirby drifts lazily amongst the beauty of the sky. A beauty that King Dedede cannot abide with. Jealous of the sky's wondrous splendor, King Dedede has acquired a tool that will let him steal the night's stars, plunging the world into eternal drab daylight. When Kirby awoke, he found that it was still daytime. And evermore, it would be daytime, unless Kirby made the journey to find King Dedede and recover the stars to restore the night's sky. So begins the latest Kirby adventure, another action adventure with the morphing marshmallow in a starnge fantasy world. However, the one thing separating this latest adventure is the control scheme. Here, you don't control Kirby directly. Instead, you guide Kirby by tipping your system to roll the little round pink puff through a series of mazes. If you get in a jam you can make Kirby jump by a controller press, and Kirby can still acquire weapons from other enemies, but the real skill is using the tilting to your advantage.

slide 1 to 4 of 5
Kirby Tilt N Tumble is an interesting premise for a game. You control Kirby as they roll around levels like a ball. The idea is clever. Some of the level design and aspects of the game are also clever . Even so, this game does not have the charm of a mainline Kirby game. I found it quite dull.
Rating ⭐️ 5/10
14 Jun 2024
[Nintendo Switch Online]

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• Story Mode ✓
06 Dec 2023
Terribilmente stupido e noioso
23 Dec 2024
Game de N° 6 no GB/GBC
Concluído em: 07/01/24

Não dar pra duvidar que a mecânica de gameplay é muito criativa para o Game Boy. Porém, o tanto que é criativa (diferente) também dificulta, fazendo fases serem quase impossíveis de passar. Mas valeu a pena pela experiência diferente.
10 Jan 2024