Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

03 Nov 2009

PlayStation 2 PlayStation Portable PlayStation Vita
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7.8 rating
311 want
658 played
23 playing
13 reviews
High Impact Games
Sony Computer Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

8h 20m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

15h 15m
Based on 2 answers

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier is a 2009 platform game developed by High Impact Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game is the sixth and final game in the Jak and Daxter series. The player assumes the role of Jak, the angst-ridden hero enhanced by his exposure to Light and Dark Eco. When their world begins to run out of Eco, Jak and Keira travel to the edge of the world in search of the ancient Precursor machinery that could reverse the planet's decline. They're not the only interested factions out on the Brink, however; Jak must contend with Sky Pirates while struggling to control his own Eco powers.

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A lot of jank here. Arguably too much jank. I encountered 3 different bugs that caused me to have to reload my previous checkpoint and redo some tedious sections, the controls are bad, the story is fine but forgettable and the camera is maybe the worst I've ever encountered. Somehow, despite all of that, I still kind of had fun. Kind of.
22 Apr 2024
What the hell is this smack and crapter?
08 Jan 2025
Despite not being "that bad" of a game, when viewed as a stand-alone, when compared to the rest of the series this game is a complete shame, to a point where most fans of the series will refuse to acknowledge this as canon, and some will even say that this game doesn't exist at all. In general the story starts as very interesting but loses momentum very quickly while the gameplay starts bad and gets worse...

P.S.: what they did to Daxter is completely unacceptable
02 Jul 2023
В одно время прикольная и легкая, нр в другое душнит. В сюжет вникнуть не смог, спасибо субтитрам и ракам на разрабах. Графика отличная, но управление немного залупное. Проходил на псп, может, из-за этого. Хотя можно было бы сделать лучше.

Сколько проходил — не знаю, но по ощущениям 5-6 часов.
13 Mar 2025
Jak, la franquicia perdida. La historia comienza cuando jak y daxter junto a su compañera luchan en el aire, estos aterrizan en una isla perdida. La jugabilidad cambia, alternaremos entre batallas de naves y secciones de acción, lo malo es que el control de la nave es pésimo y torpe, la cámara es agobiante y las secciones de combates cambian para mal, en vez de armas es un palo para combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Los gráficos sí son muy buenos, aprovechan muy bien el potencial de la consola. La banda sonora es bastante olvidable a comparación de toda la saga. Para mi tiene un 6,3 una decepción de juego y lastima que sea el último juego de esta gran saga.
25 Apr 2024
ماقدرت اكملها من اسوء الالعاب على محاكي ppsspp وجهاز psp
حرفيا لعبت اول عشر دقائق وكانت اسوء عشر دقائق في حياتي
اللعبة ماتعرف هي تريد تصير لعبة طائرات او بلاتفورمر او لعبة قتال
بس المشكلة ان كلهم سيئين والغرافيكس سيء والتحكم
بس المشاهد السنمائية كانت حلوة بس انت تلعب لعبة كاملة حتى تشوف مشاهد سنمائية وانت اصلا تقدر تشوفها على اليوتيوب بجودة اعلى
16 Jul 2023
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