Hitman: Contracts

20 Apr 2004

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 Xbox Mac
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7.0 rating
315 want
1330 played
47 playing
16 reviews
IO Interactive
Eidos Interactive


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Hitman: Contracts is a stealth action game developed by IO Interactive and published by Eidos Interactive. It is the third installment in the Hitman game series. The game features recreations of four levels from Hitman: Codename 47.

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Hitman had been a benchmark of Assassination in Gaming. Contracts as I felt, delivered it in a way that made an impact on the Gaming industry by the way it delivers its gameplay. Choice making, Stealth, and Mission oriented freedom was established by this Game.
24 Mar 2020
Played: 20 hours 23 minutes
Level: Hard
Platform: Mac
07 Jun 2020
هذا الجزء يتكلم عن فلاش باك لشخصيه العميل 47 وبعد قتله لصانعه والذي يقال انه صنع عده نسخ من العملاء ب أرقام مختلفه لقتل العميل 47

ونبدأ مغامره فلاش باك للعميل 47

اغلبيه المراحل مثل الجزء الاول وطريقه الاغتيال مثل الأجزاء السابقه ولكن بطريقه ذكيه جدا

استمتعت بذا الجزء وفعلا جزء رهيب والجزء القادم راح يكون التاريخ بنفسه
واللي يذكره كل لاعب
Hitman:Blood money
25 Jun 2023
Funciona hasta en una tostadora y es divertidísimo. Ha envejecido de coña (dejando de lado la variación gráfica)
02 Apr 2024
Ótimo, principalmente para aqueles que não zeraram o primeiro jogo da franquia.

É basicamente um remake, que junta missões do primeiro jogo trazendo melhorias substânciais ao gameplay.

Existem várias fases emblemáticas, com cenários bem feitos, e algumas adições que se tornariam padrão na franquia.

Zerado no PlayStation 2, e rejogado muitas vezes.
28 Jun 2022
el hitman mas oscuro y terrorifico por momentos
18 Dec 2021
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