Ghostwire: Tokyo

24 Mar 2022

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.7 rating
2720 want
3942 played
536 playing
261 reviews
Tango Gameworks
Bethesda Softworks


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

10h 40m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

21h 52m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 41 answers

After strange disappearances hit Tokyo's population, it's up to you to uncover the source and purge the city of a strange, new evil. Armed with your own mysterious spectral abilities, you will face down the occult, unravel conspiracy theories and experience urban legends like never before.

slide 1 to 4 of 5
- Gameplay: 8
- Story: 9
- Characters: 10
- Sounds: 8
- Graphics: 9
- Level Design: 6
- My Opinion: 8
- Device Played On: Playstation 4
06 Apr 2022
Really just dull and boring. Doing the same stuff and killing the same enemies for a million times really isn't something i want to do for 12-14 hours

the only good thing in the game is the world design and the atmosphere. especially if you play it with Japanese va.
03 Jan 2024
Rating: 7.7
Good game with an amazing world design and compelling story. The weakest part of the game is the combat, that has a lot of room for improvements, but the unique powers somewhat makes up for the mechanical part. Also the side quests are at least as interesting as the main story, If not even better.
Finished on: PC 🎮
12 Dec 2023
I only have 2 feelings about this game, the parts I love and the parts I hate. Before I get into the extremes I'll get some minor things out of the way. The graphics are fine enough, the performance is solid and the voice acting is good too, besides the face motion capture, that felt slightly odd to me. Ok now into my real thoughts. The story and atmosphere in this game is phenomenal, like truly it is some of the best and coolest I've ever experienced. Both the story and the atmosphere complement each other perfectly. The story is fantastic, with great character development, motives, dialogue, anything relating to a games story is done excellently here. To match the unique and fantastical story is the world around it. The enemy designs, the set pieces and environments, even the combat complements it perfectly. Everything feels like it's supposed to be in a game about saving souls from the afterlife. The magic powers or whatever you wish to call it looks awesome and matches the whole aesthetic of the story and enemies. Truly I have no complaints here at all, and these aspects are a 9. The problem is the gameplay. Maybe it's just me not giving the open world activities a shot, but it just does not seem worth it at all, and this is coming from someone who tries to 100% everything he plays (not always though). There is just way too much side content. There is no need for the amount of side missions and collectibles in this game. I couldn't even tell you how much there is in this game because no matter how much I would over exaggerate the amount of content, I would still be short. This game could have so easily been a linear focused adventure with missions or chapters, something like the pacing of an Uncharted or last of us, but instead they put such a useless feeling open world. And to think if the effort of the open world design was put into anything else, this might have been a perfect game. The combat, which is fine and looks cool, becomes diluted in the open world. It doesn't really have rhyme or reason to it, I never knew what I was doing most of the time, but it looked cool and felt like I was just watching a crazy action movie or something. But the constant enemies in the open world turned a cinematic feeling combat system into a sprint and avoid enemy encounters simulator. I 100% suggest this to everyone, and I suggest skipping all side content and experience the story in just 10 hours. It is worth it, and if you find value in the other stuff, good on you, but to most I feel like it's just a waste of your time.
23 Nov 2024
The first 30 minutes was amazing. Shiny Rtx world with the ability to shoot bolts from your hand. Suddenly a masked guy comes and kidnaps your sister and a spirit dude brings you back from the dead. What could go wrong right? Repetitive combat and bland missions turned the whole thing around for me. Had super potential, but after chapter 3, I was done.
30 Mar 2023
Combat looks and feels good until you play it so much that becomes repetitive.
Story is barely existent, but some good character like you soul buddy.
Textbook Ubisoft open world with too many collectibles that made me surrender platinum since I was bored of searching for human souls.
Best thing about it are the vibes. Damnnn it looks good and interesting when the scenario changes and dome of the yokai. Honestly, it was what made me what drove me to the end!
23 Jan 2025
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