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Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut

20 Aug 2021

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5
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9.2 rating
3425 want
10245 played
3490 playing
682 reviews
Sucker Punch Productions
Sony Interactive Entertainment


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Based on 193 answers

Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut Includes: - Full game. - Iki Island expansion: New story, mini-games, enemy types and more. - Legends online co-op mode. - Digital mini art book by Dark Horse. - Director’s commentary: The creative team sits down with a renowned Japanese historian to look at the world of Ghost of Tsushima and how it compares to the real-life events that inspired it. - One Technique Point. - Charm of Hachiman’s Favour. - Hero of Tsushima Skin Set: Golden Mask, Sword Kit, Horse, Saddle.

slide 1 to 4 of 10
Played on: Playstation 5
Version: Playstation 5
Edition: Digital (Director's Cut)



I could go on & on about how visually & audibly beautiful but that would be a waste of my time & yours. Go play it & you'll see.

You're welcome.

Final verdict: Buy it
06 Mar 2025
Ghost of Tsushima
✪ {ᏚᏟᏫᏒᎬ : 5.9}
…   …………….

• Story : 3.2
~ the story is your generic, predictable, and overstretched cat & mouse chase. it had some ok moments, a few cool dialogues and alot of cliche and pretentious ones. and overall it really failed to make me intrested in the smallest way. i think more than the stroy itself, it harshly failed at storytelling.
𐄁 Characters : 3.8
𐄁 Acting : 3.7
~ it's just SO soulless. it usually even fails to have a general tone and feels like it's voiced by ai.

• Atmosphere : 5.4
𐄁 Immersion : 2.3
𐄁 Intensity : 4.1

• Gameplay : 5.8
~ it's far from a perfect samurai game, and doesn't even try to be a ninja game (which is exactly what the story tried to be).
𐄁 Combat : 7.4
~ the combat has good animations and the stances are cool. but it gets very very repetitive, since it's so restrictive.
it also lacks that fluidity and lethality that I'd like my samurai game to have.
the ai abuses tf out of the unparriable attack too and your dodge just isn't effective enough.
just some examples tho, there's alot more where that came from.
𐄁 Stealth : 3.6
~ disappointingly simple, with a sad collection of tools and a very dumb ai.
𐄁 Bow : 4.4
𐄁 AI : 3.0
𐄁 Movement : 4.2
~ it both looks and feels very janky. it's a real shame.
𐄁 Traversal : 6.8
~ the horse riding isn't too bad. my problem is with navigation. the wind only shows you the general direction of your marker, and it doesn't give a damn about mountains, cliffs, water, or anything like that. it also needs a better map, and at least it should mark roads.
• Level Design : 4.7
~ repetitive, lackluster and disappointing.
𐄁 Pacing : 3.6
~ so it starts off pretty cool and sets a good tone, but immediately after that it just throws you into this loop of side-quest-like missions and just becomes your typical boring & repetitive open world game. i waited 20 hours for it to pick it back up but it never did.
• Side Content : 𝜘↓↓

• Visuals : 7.2
~ the graphics looked pretty bland and outdated. like a good remaster of a PS3 game, but not much more. still, it *can* look pretty gorgeous at times.
i like the kurosawa mode too.
𐄁 Textures : 3.9
𐄁 Lighting : 7.3
𐄁 Small Details : 2.9
• Environment Design : 6.4
~ although the open fields look good, open fields and copied assests is basically all it's got. it's very repetitive. and up-close, it fails to create a dense, detailed, lived in and immersive environment.
𐄁 Environmental Storytelling : 3.0
𐄁 Cinematography : 2.4
~ 99% of the cutscenes are absolutely fake. by that i mean people standing still and moving their mouths. which is SOO disappointing. the actual real cutscenes, are less than a handful, and I'm not even kidding. it was pretty cinematic when it actually tried, shame it never did.

• Animations : 4.7
𐄁 Movement Animations : 5.6
𐄁 Combat Animations : 8.7
𐄁 Facial Animations : 3.0
~ thank god for the mask.

⋆ SoundTrack : 8.8
• Sound Design : 7.0

• Multiplayer : 𝜘↓
𐄁 Servers : 〆
~ 1 hour, couldn't get a single lobby.
• DLC : 5.3

• Performance : ↑↑↑↓

𐄁 Customization : 𝜘↑
𐄁 Replayability : 𝜘↓
~ can't skip cutscenes, fun!
𐄁 Innovation : -
𐄁 Accessibility : ⍟⍟
𐄁 Setting Options : ⍟⍟⍟
~ it has alot of good useful settings and a very cool photo mode. but i do wish it'd have button rebinding.
𐄁 UI/HUD : 7.9
𐄁 Extras : ✓
𐄁 Collectibles : 𝜘↓
𐄁 Trophies : 𝜘

…   ……………….

𐄁 Do i recommend this game? only if you LOVE ubisoft games.
𐄁 Did it make me take my time with it? not really.
𐄁 Did it meet my expectations? people are talking about this game like it's the perfect masterpiece while what i saw was SO far from that in every aspect, that I'm honestly doubting we even played the same game. it's still not a BAD game, just VERY mediocre and disappointing.

…    ……………………

- Platforms : PS4 Pro
- First Playthrough : 5.11.23
𐄁 Finished at : 8.11.23
𐄁 Playtime : 21h 35′
𐄁 Difficulty : Medium
𐄁 FPS Mode
- Beaten : 1 time
- Trophy Progress : 23℅⁴⁰'°
⟆⟅ | Won't Platinum ;<
07 Nov 2023
You have no honor, and you are slave to it
04 May 2023
Gameplay 9/10
Story 9/10
World 8/10
Side quests 6/10
Graphics 9/10
29 Aug 2023
It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last minute details.
12 Jun 2024
feel like a samurai. epic. love it
23 Aug 2022
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