
05 Jul 2016

PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox One
7.9 rating
448 want
1016 played
78 playing
44 reviews
The Game Bakers
The Game Bakers



Fight your way free in our frenzied all-boss fighter, and discover what’s waiting behind the last gate. Furi is all about the tension of one-on-one fights against deadly adversaries. It’s an intense, ultra-responsive hack-and-slash with a unique mix of fast-paced sword fighting and dual-stick shooting. Each of the formidable guardians —designed by Afro Samurai creator Takashi Okazaki— has a unique and surprising combat style that requires focus and skill to defeat. The high-energy action gets a boost from an explosive soundtrack composed by electro musicians including Carpenter Brut, who created the trailer’s theme.

18 Jul 2023
Gameplay: 10/10
Story: 7/10
Music: 10000/10

The game is a boss rush where you go from one boss to the next, there's nothing else.

Every boss is unique in gameplay, design, strategy, and most importantly, soundtrack.

The game is short but hard, you'll most likely lose at least once to every one of the bosses (normal mode).

There's an easy mode that i wouldn't recommend, although if you finish the game on easy you can unlock the practice mode which let's you practice for the normal difficulty.

There's also a speedrun mode within the game itself, with a global leaderboard.
17 May 2023
Didnt like this as much as i thought i would. Just found too many of the bosses to be too easy, and didnt really prepare me for the difficulty spike i experienced in the last few fights. Could absolutely be a problem unique to me.. Regardless, there are some excellent fights in here with great visual style and music. Cant give it lower than a 7 but you could probably talk me up to an 8 on it
31 Jan 2024
Great visual design, magnificent soundtrack, interesting gameplay but.....

Bossfights are enormous long. Bosses have a lot of different phases, that is good on one hand, but every time you loose, you should start the fight from the very beginning with no opportunity to skip the phases you've done. Even if you are doing this phases without taking damage there's no way to skip them. So, to try the phase, you have problem with, you should do you "skipping phases" routine for few minutes.

In result we have 10 minutes + long boss fights. And they really great, but not all of you will deal with it. I didn't and dropped it right after 3rd boss
02 Jan 2024
Really difficult but in the good way. We need more boss rush games like this.
07 Dec 2023
It's just frantic, frenetic boss fights one after another, what's not to love?
01 Dec 2023
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