Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis

13 Dec 2017

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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7.5 rating
29 want
335 played
8 playing
13 reviews
Square Enix Business Division 2
Square Enix


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

1h 13m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 4 answers

With fast-paced battles and multiple endings, experience untold events from one of the most dramatic parts of FINAL FANTASY XV. Told from the perspective of Noctis’s ally Ignis, the city of Altissia lies in ruins and Ignis must face the Niflheim Empire to protect Noctis at all costs. Joining Ignis is Ravus, high commander of the Empire, who is determined to save his sister, Lunafreya.

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Out of the three episodes, this is the one I liked the most. It’s about how Ignis lost his sight. And I really enjoyed playing with him, even though that he is the character that I like the least.
14 Aug 2023
It's a shame this wasn't part of the main game.. the cut scenes.. the emotions.. this is peak ffxv
25 May 2024
Top, mi ha fatto rivalutare tantissimo sia Ignis che Ravus. Bellissimo lo stile di combattimento di Ignis.
11 Jun 2023
Quizá la parte jugable no es muy destacable PEROO la historia de este capítulo es perfecta, incluso hace sentir a Noctis de lado e Ignis se vuelve muy relevante.

Yo me ví el anime, la película de FFXV y recuerdo el detalle de que Ignis ayudaba a Noctis en varias cosas ya sea escuela, comida, atuendo etc. Y aquí me encanta esos detalles como la captura final cuando peleas con Noctis se les ve a los 2 comiendo vegetales (En el anime muestran que a Noctis no le gustan) o que el rey Regis le pedio que cuidara de el. Fue muy emotivo
06 Feb 2023
25 Apr 2024
Isso devia estar no jogo base,Square Enix. Tenha vergonha na cara de ter picotado o jogo todo. A DLC é ótima pois explica o que aconteceu enquanto Noctis está desacordado e como Ignis ficou cego (novamente, Square, tenha vergonha de ter picotado o jogo). DLC é extremamente curta,e eu gostaria que tivesse bem mais de duração. Uma boa DLC.
02 Dec 2024
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