Fallout 3: Point Lookout

23 Jun 2009

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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9.0 rating
40 want
260 played
6 playing
7 reviews
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks



Buy a ticket and hop onboard the Duchess Gambit, as Tobar the Ferryman takes you to the strange seaside town of Point Lookout. What secrets does the dilapidated boardwalk hold? Who lives in the sprawling mansion? Why is the Punga Fruit so important? And what horrors lie in the depths of the murky swamp? Point Lookout is the most open-ended DLC yet, and allows you to explore an entirely new and expansive gameplay area any way you’d like. A completely new quest line allows you uncover the town’s hidden secrets, and wield powerful new weapons like the Double-Barrel Shotgun against the swamp’s dangerous, and deformed, denizens. So venture to Point Lookout, if you dare. Just pray it’s not a one-way trip.

slide 1 to 4 of 10
My neck of the woods in terms of my hometown being in Calvert County: North Beach, which is about an hour north of Point Lookout.
15 Aug 2024
اضافه غريبه مع شويه حشيش مع مدري كيف اقولها صراحه

الزبده عاديه الصدق بس المميز فيها اول معركه في القصر يعطونك موارد تستفيد منها
05 Jun 2024
El mejor Dlc del juego, una nueva área con misiones que aportan cosas nuevas, armas y equipo nuevo etc, ambientación muy buena
01 May 2024
Si no fuera por los errores en la trama principal, probablemente seria un DLC sobresaliente... o incluso perfecto.
26 Feb 2025
Sırf DLC paketinin oynanış süresi uzun olsun diye ordan oraya boş boş koşmak pek de eğlenceli olmasa gerek :/
26 Jul 2021
28 Jul 2024
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