F-Zero GX

25 Jul 2003

Nintendo GameCube
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9.0 rating
141 want
283 played
13 playing
9 reviews
Amusement Vision



F-Zero GX is the fourth installment in the F-Zero series and the successor to F-Zero X. The game continues the series' difficult, high-speed racing style, retaining the basic gameplay and control system from the Nintendo 64 title. A heavy emphasis is placed on track memorization and reflexes, which aids in completing the title. GX introduces a "Story Mode" element, where the player walks in the footsteps of Captain Falcon through nine chapters, completing various missions.

As a young boy my parents would take me to a local gym and drop me off in the babysitting zone while they worked out. One of the things they had there were these weird GameCube consoles bolted into the wall that only had F-Zero. I played lots of it. It’s more novel than just cars I guess
20 Aug 2023
Such a hidden gem!
Would love to it come to new gen consoles 😍
26 Jun 2023
ممكن اصعب لعبه لعبتها بحياتي
14 May 2024
25 Oct 2023
El mejor juego de carreras de la historia
16 Feb 2023
No lo sé... le eché unas 3 partidas y no me enganchó como F Zero X
03 Jun 2022
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