Epic Seven

08 Nov 2018

Mac iOS Android
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7.9 rating
23 want
100 played
24 playing
4 reviews
Super Creative
Smilegate Megaport



With Epic Seven's outstanding illustrations, it's the first domestic RPG to feature full frame animation for all of its characters and cutscenes. It's a turn-based RPG that has good pace, visuals that rival an action game, and unique strategies to challenge players during battles.

As far as gacha goes this is THE BEST in terms of depth and gameplay. But also its a momey pit and if you wanna be the best get ready to spend thousands of dollars. But the story is good characters are excellent combat is tactical and engaging yet simplistic and easy to understand. Good game fun game. Dont play if you are prone to gamble addiction. Seriously.
28 Mar 2024
El mejor gacha que he jugado y el único al que voy a seguir jugando. Progresión brutal, combate profundo y personajes únicos y originales. El PvP es bastante profundo y tryhard.
12 Jun 2023
Tô farmando 2 contas kkkk
18 Feb 2024
É o melhor gacha que eu já joguei e o melhor em todos os quesitos, mas ainda é um gacha, não merece mais do que isso.
08 Nov 2023
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