Driver: Parallel Lines

14 Mar 2006

PC (Microsoft Windows) Wii PlayStation 2 Xbox
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6.6 rating
110 want
485 played
19 playing
12 reviews
Reflections Interactive
Atari, Inc.


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Diverging from previous Driver games, Parallel Lines takes place in just one city, New York, instead of multiple cities, but in the middle of the story you change to different eras of the city - 1978 and 2006. Due to the underwhelming performance of Driv3r, particularly the often-derided on-foot sections, Parallel Lines returns to the formula used in earlier games in the series, focusing on driving, although shooting remains in the game.

Really decent game, overlooked i think.
29 Jan 2024
One of the best games I've ever played absolutely loved the change from the 70's to the 21st century.
26 Aug 2023
It Was And Still One of The Best Games I've Ever Played :)
25 Jul 2022
Archived @lv1
°Bad driving model and handling
°Outdated, not polished
19 Oct 2020
احد افضل أجزاء السلسله بدون مبالغه وهي تابعه لجزء البي اس بي قصه بطلنا TK يستلم القياده بدلا من صديقه رأي اللي كان ماسك جزء البي اس بي وهنا يتعرض لخيانه ويطارد اللي غدروا فيه وللامانه افضل جزء استمتعت فيه قياده وأغاني والانتقال من حقبه السبعينيات إلى الالفيه
15 Feb 2024
حلو الجزء هذا عاجبني طريقة تعديل السيارات كان افضل من قراند من ناحية تعديل السيارات والقيادة
11 Jul 2022
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