Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II

17 Jun 2003

Game Boy Advance
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7.6 rating
68 want
304 played
28 playing
6 reviews
Webfoot Technologies
Atari, Inc.



Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II was released on June 17, 2003. The plot of the game picks up where The Legacy of Goku left off, and continues until the end of the Cell Games Saga when Gohan defeats the evil android Cell. The game introduced several new concepts to the series. The first was transformations, which allowed characters to become temporarily stronger, at the cost of slowly draining their energy. It also introduced the scouter, which allowed players to look up the stats of other characters in the game, as well as basic information about them. The game also introduced charged melee attacks, which allowed characters to unleash a powerful physical strike after a short charging period. The game also allowed characters to further supplement their stats with capsules that were scattered around the game world. Despite being titled "The Legacy of Goku" this game featured the most limited play as the character Goku. Due to the game's success, a second version was released titled Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II International exclusive to Japan on July 23, 2004. In this version all characters were given new profile images and their names were reverted to their original Japanese. However, Mister Satan still retains his English name "Hercule" on the front of his parade float. [Source] - Wikipedia.


09 Jun 2024
19 Apr 2024
Es el único de esta saga que he jugado pero me lo he pasado genial haciéndolo. Quizá algún día juege a otro.
02 Apr 2024
Goku saiyan
04 Mar 2024
Solid and fun
26 Sep 2024
Boladissimo demais. Talvez um dos melhores games de GBA e, ouso dizer que um dos melhores RPGs de ação top-down já feitos. Lembro-me de ter virado o ano 2007 para 2008 jogando esse game. Pedrada demais. Também era meio difícil para o pequeno eu, mas pedrada ainda assim. A história vinha bonitinha com a do mangá e anime, e tinha até sidequest com o Cooler e o Broly. Chupetinha no mel, não tem jeito.
28 Oct 2023
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