12 Nov 2010
12 Nov 2010 - PC (Microsoft Windows)
Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance is an add-on for Divinity II: Ego Draconis and starts right where the cliffhanger of the main game left off. The protagonist has been imprisoned in a crystal alive and at full conscience, seemingly forever. Meanwhile, the sorceress Ygerna and her beloved Damian, the adoptive son of Lucian the Divine, have become stronger than ever thanks to the hero reuniting them. The protagonist has to idly sit by only having the Divine keeping him company. Or at least it seemed that way until Behrlin, a ghost, shows up and offers the hero a deal: Go to Aleroth, which is under heavy attack by Ygerna's and Damian's forces, and only a force-field put up by the wizard Zandalor keeps everything from falling apart. There the protagonist has to free Behrlin's body, which has been imprisoned for centuries in the caverns deep under the city. In return, Behrlin promises to revive the Divine to finally do what the hero couldn't: destroy Ygerna and Damian for good.
To face the enemy under the city of Aleroth, the player can either import his old character or create a new one who will start out at level 35 with a good amount of gold in his pocket. The gameplay remains completely the same as in the main game. The add-on doesn't add additional talents or spells to the game. Instead the player still chooses from one of five classes, earns experience points by completing quests and killing enemies, levels up and gets some skill points to distribute among his many available talents to be used in combat. New items including more powerful weapons and armor. Since the player character begins the game already as a Dragon Knight, the Dragon form is available from the onset. The player cannot, however, teleport back to his Dragon Tower and transform into a full Dragon because his teleport stone has been destroyed. As opposed to the main game, the add-on focuses more on solving quests by thinking and less on simple combat, although there are often several paths available to overcome some of the obstacles. In addition the player won't really leave Aleroth during the whole game, making the stories behind the quests and the overall threat of Ygerna and Damien the driving factor of the player's avatar.