Detroit: Become Human

25 May 2018

PlayStation 4 PC (Microsoft Windows)
7.8 rating
2895 want
12163 played
622 playing
646 reviews
Quantic Dream
Sony Interactive Entertainment



Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near future where machines have become more intelligent than humans. Every choice you make affects the outcome of the game, with one of the most intricately branching narratives ever created.

what can I say? choice based games are like drugs to me.
24 Jul 2022
Great story, like watching a movie that lasts 10 times more than normal. Makes you reflect
11 Mar 2023
Detroit: Become Human
✪ {ᏚᏟᏫᏒᎬ : 7.2}
❆ : ‘i remember years ago when i played this game's demo for the first time. i was BLOWN AWAY. by the insane graphics, the animations, the intractability, the idea, the vibe, the details.. i remember seeing there was an animation for conor stepping over the dead body instead of just stopping, and thinking dude that's so frickin' cool.
i played it so many times. good days..’

…   …………….

• Story : 6.7
~ firstly i wanna say, i think this was a far better story than their last two. but, it's still got alot of the same flaws. i really like the idea, and it had me really interested at some parts. but, that classic david cage cliche writing still shines through way too many times. as always, it tries to be super impactful very very regularly but it almost never really earns it. tbf, at least here it's more like 50/50. still too much. and in the end, i felt dissatisfied. partly because in my playthrough everything went well and it felt double cliche.
𐄁 Characters : 6.9
~ i really liked some of them, like connor & hank. and some felt alot more plain and generic. even most of the main ones in kara and markus' stories (including them). but they all still had their moments. even if respectively way too few.
𐄁 Acting : 7.6

• Atmosphere : 8.7
𐄁 Immersion : 8.3
𐄁 Intensity : 8.1

• Gameplay;
𐄁 Movement : 6.6
~ alot better here, but at times it still has that same awkward feeling because it's the same core. the camera controls funny too.
• Level Design : 5.9
~ i really liked some of the levels like the investigations with connor, but too many of the levels felt uninteractive and too linear. they're acceptable on the first run, but after that you just wanna skip 90% of the game and that's not a great sign.
• Choises : 7.6
~ your choices and actions have much more of an impact here, and it's ALOT better than their last two. but in the long run it's still much more linear than it appears. it's really at the last chapters where your choices really start to branch things out.
also one of my bigger complaints is how easy it is to figure out the "right" path. like as a player you're always gonna try to save everyone, and it's always so obvious how to do that, therefore everything always goes well. or maybe you'll get a couple more qtes.

𐄁 QTEs : 7.8
𐄁 Pacing : 7.2
𐄁 Difficulty : too easy

⋆ Visuals : 9.2
~ WOW is this game absolutely fucking gorgeous. tho it's not always at it's peak.
⋆ Textures : 8.8
⋆ Lighting : 9.2
⋆ Small Details : 8.0
• Environment Design : 8.7
~ a wee bit inconsistent with the environments, but it can peak extremely well.
⋆ Cinematography : 8.9

• Animations : 8.3
𐄁 Movement Animations : 8.1
• Facial Animations : 8.6

⋆ SoundTrack : 8.8
⋆ Sound Design : 9.1

• Performance : ↑↑↑↓↓
~ a bit of texture loading issues, some brief freezes, and 3/4 crashes. i also hate that it doesn't have multiple save slots.

𐄁 Replayability : 5.7
~ i wish you could continue from each branch in the flowchart, mix and match different choices, skip certain sections entirely, ect. stuff like that would add SO much replayability. i think the flowchart had so much more potential than what ended up in the game.
𐄁 Innovation : ⍟⍟
𐄁 Accessibility : ⍟
𐄁 Setting Options : ⍟⍟
𐄁 UI/HUD : 7.7
𐄁 Extras : ✓
𐄁 Collectibles : 7.1
𐄁 Trophies : 7.0
~ i hate trophies that require a full run on their own. and since you can no longer try different choises they ruin all the fun of replaying a game like this. them two aside, it's a pretty fair list.

…   ……………….

𐄁 Do i recommend this game? yes absolutely. it has it's flaws but it still deserves a fair chance.
𐄁 Did it make me take my time with it? yes. tho i wish it would let you do so more.
𐄁 Did it meet my expectations? for the most part yes.

…    ……………………

- Platforms : PS4 Pro
- First Playthrough : 21.1.24
𐄁 Finished at : 24.1.24
𐄁 Playtime : 12h 32′
𐄁 Difficulty : Gamer Mode
- Beaten : 5 times
- Trophy Progress : 100℅
⟆⟅ | Platinumed on 3.2.24
24 Jan 2024
This game is awesome, my first try on decision-based games and I was left speechless, not just when I was playing game, but when i find out there are 40 different endings od this game. Imagine how much time did it take to make this!? it's sick! Graphich is fantastic as well as all those visual effects! I mean, you have to try this game. Also that first mission, oh my lord, if this isn't the best start of any game, then I would like to get recommendation for a game that has a better first mission. You have to try, it is not long, and most importantly, it's definitely worth your time.
03 Feb 2023
Playing on: Playstation 5
Version: Playstation 4
Edition: Digital (Deluxe)

Finally got around to playing this & I just beat it. I got the depressing ending where literally everyone dies. BUT.....WOW. Wow, wow, wow what an incredible game. I am blown away. It blew Heavy Rain out of the water. Not just visually either. This game fired on all cylinders for me. I had a couple of issues with frame drops (though very rare) & the ending is a little too abrupt. All in all, this is a beautiful game that I will definitely revisit in the future to see if I can change certain events. Huge round of applause for those who worked on it.

Final verdict: Buy it
20 Apr 2022
Another great game from Quantic Dream. A great and highly developed story that's constantly engaging. Looking back at it with today's eyes and the real world introduction to ai, this game would definitely feel a lot different when played today. Years later after the games release, and really amazing set pieces and plot points keep coming back to mind, really speaking to the quality of the game and how amazing it is. Gameplay is what you can expect from a game like this, but it's not why you get this game. The actors also do a phenomenal job here, and the facial capture in the game really does the actors justice. A must play for anyone who enjoys a good story
25 Dec 2023
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