Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness

20 Apr 1995

PlayStation Sega Saturn PlayStation Vita Arcade
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N/A rating
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49 played
1 playing
4 reviews



The premise in Cyberbots is similar to Armored Warriors, albeit it features only a maximum of two playable characters on screen as opposed to three. Cyberbots is a very innovative game, attributed to its amount of selectable options, parts, and mecha that permit the player to format their play style to their preference. Similar to the Armored Core series, different legs (which affect movement abilities), arms (which affect reach and melee capabilities) and weapons can be mixed and matched between the selectable robots available to the player. Gameplay in Cyberbots is similar to other Capcom-created fighting games, with a medium-sized command list of executing various attacks available to each individual robot. Battles are a duel-formatted affair with players and the computer fighting against one another to proceed to the next battle.

Played: 3 hours 31 minute
Record: 685 830 points
Platform: Arcade
26 Dec 2024
Street Fighter de Mecha difícil pra cacete!
A metade do jogo é moleza mas depois sua mão começa doer e a vontade de acabar essa porra só aumenta!
Zerado em 06/02/2023
06 Feb 2023
Jogo de luta com mechas super criativo. Interativo, dinâmico e fluido em sua jogabilidade. Com possibilidade de montar seu robô com peças e armas para melhor desempenho nas batalhas. Jogo bastante bonito e colorido.
27 Dec 2024
Bom pra cacete! Difícil pra cacete também
20 May 2023
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