Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

23 Sep 2021

PlayStation 4 PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox One Nintendo Switch
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1 reviews



A port of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon included in "Castlevania Advance Collection." In Circle of the Moon, you can combine action and attribute cards to create over 80 unique spell effects, ranging from fire whips to ice blizzards, with the "Dual Set-up System." New Quality-of-Life features for this port are included, such as Rewind, Quick Save, and Record/Replay. The new Encyclopedia feature offers helpful information that helps you keep track of items, equipment, enemies, and the Dual Set-up System. With the new DSS Gadget option, you can get on-screen pop-ups that display the DSS Attribute & Action cards that are obtainable from the monsters you encounter in battle. The story follows Nathan Graves, a vampire hunter apprentice who enters Dracula's Castle along with his Master in order to prevent the dreaded return of the Count.

Very Hard compared to the other GBA games. Thank god for the advanced collection and save states. The music is fantastic, absolutely incredible for the GBA. The timeless pixel art style is beautiful with some locations feeling so rustic and lived in. I hate how every boss is flying/floating or difficult to actually hit. And I mean every boss. The worst thing however is the fact the power ups are RNG based, making playing this game so much more fustrating. I also really don't like the way Hugh moves. I think that was his name? Way to sluggish and slow for the amount of projectiles and things you have to dodge. Dracula can go suck.

7/10 Buntys: Good
30 Jun 2023
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