Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Revolution

29 Jan 2013

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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7.3 rating
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82 played
2 playing
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Revolution is a downloadable content pack (DLC) for the 2012 game Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It includes four new multiplayer and one new zombie map: - Hydro (takes place on the Indus River in Pakistan) - Downhill (takes place in the Alps in France) - Grind (takes place in a skate park in Venice Beach) - Mirage (takes place in the middle of the Gobi Desert) - Die Rise (the zombie map, taking place in two broken down skyscrapers) It also contains a new weapon, the Peacekeeper, and the new game mode Turned, in which players can become an zombie in the zombies mode.

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Arf... map multi bof et la map zombie est vraiment nul tu glisses pour un rien tu tournes mal l'arme spécial est un pétard mouillé... le secret est très chiant à faire et absolument pas plaisant... bref ouille ne faites jamais de remaster please
29 Nov 2020