Assassin's Creed Valhalla

10 Nov 2020

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S Google Stadia
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8.5 rating
8170 want
14038 played
3219 playing
647 reviews
Ubisoft Montreal
Ubisoft Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

99h 27m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 73 answers

In Assassin's Creed Valhalla, become Eivor, a legendary Viking raider on a quest for glory. Explore a dynamic and beautiful open world set against the brutal backdrop of England’s Dark Ages. Raid your enemies, grow your settlement, and build your political power in the quest to earn a place among the gods in Valhalla.

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I don't get the love for this game it's not even assassins creed no more
03 Feb 2024
I don't understand the hate behind this game, but I'm 80hrs in and loving it so far. I will update my review when I hang up my ax for good, but if The Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed had a baby it would be Valhalla. I'm having A LOT of fun. I'll give it a seven, for now, because I have played ZERO story so far.
13 Apr 2024
I don’t remember having played a game with a such uninteresting storyline, no iconic character nor antagonist. Eivor psychology is totally empty.

The game’s lifetime is based on pointless collectibles and idiotic secondary quests.

Assassinations disappeared from the game, now it’s just a stupid beat them all.

Etc etc

People rating this game more than 5 enjoy eating garbage.
18 Feb 2022
Valhalla’s main problem is its setting. It’s dull, the game world is boring, the main hero is featureless and the game engine is frankly outdated. The game is nothing more than a pack of assets, previously used in Origins and Odyssey.
10 Apr 2021
🇮🇹 • 🇬🇧

🇮🇹 Complessivamente un gioco fatto bene, esagerataemente immenso. Gameplay molto divertente e dinamico. Storia niente di eccellente anche se il finale ti lascia un po' a bocca aperta. Il cavallo è davvero fastidioso alcune volte quando scappa da te. La mappa davvero troppo grande, per muoverti da un punto all'altro si sfruttano i viaggi rapidi, quindi una mappa enorme neanche esplorata dalla maggior parte delle persone. Missioni un po troppo ripetitive andando avanti con la storia, anche perché è davvero lunga.

Overall a well-made, exaggeratedly immense game. Gameplay very fun and dynamic. Story nothing excellent although the ending leaves you a bit speechless. Horse is really annoying some times when it runs away from you. Map really too big, to move from one point to another you take advantage of fast travel, so a huge map not even explored by most people. Missions a little too repetitive as you go on with the story, also because it's really long.
13 Dec 2023
Side missions the game
17 Jun 2023
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