Assassin's Creed: Rebellion

21 Nov 2018

Android iOS
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N/A rating
55 want
367 played
27 playing
10 reviews
Behaviour Interactive



Join Ezio, Aguilar, Shao Jun and other legendary Assassins in new adventures! Build your own Brotherhood and infiltrate the Templars’ strongholds in the first Strategy-RPG of the Assassin's Creed universe." Assassin’s Creed Rebellion is a completely new free-to-play standalone mobile game based on the lore of the Assassin’s Creed saga. Set during the Spanish Inquisition, Assassin’s Creed Rebellion will feature famous Assassins such as the beloved Ezio, Aguilar or Shao Jun and other legendary Assassins who will help them build a new Brotherhood. In this RPG-Strategy mobile game, players will be able to build, manage and develop their own Brotherhood by recruiting, collecting and improving skills of their Assassins while completing thrilling missions to infiltrate the Templar’s strongholds and defeat their plans.

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It's not a bad game when you're Assassin's Creed fan (I mean you meet Ezio in the first mission and that's neat).

I don't know if I would enjoyed the game if I wasn't AC fan tho...probably not as the gameplay doesn't offer anything that interesting - you go to missions that are split into 'rooms' and in each room you pick actions like fight, stealth kill, parkour...stuff like that. In missions you get resources that you use to upgrade your brotherhood, assassins or hideout and that's it...I don't even know if you can fail missions honestly 🤣
10 Mar 2024
If you're a AC fan don't hesitate for playing it. You will enjoy.
If you're not, become a AC fan.
02 Jan 2025
Not really Fun just. Pretty much. Tapping thats all.
11 Aug 2023
Plataforma: Mobile
Nota: 7/10

Uma proposta interessante do universo de Assassin's Creed com um formato diferente do de costume, e adaptado ao mobile.

É um jogo divertido e que pode se tornar viciante onde você está sempre em busca de progresso.

Não o jogo mais pois acabei enjoando e não sei se algum dia voltarei a joga-lo.

Mas é um bom jogo, da pra se divertir e gastar umas boas horas diárias jogando isso daqui.

Não há dúvidas que foi muito bem feito e adaptado para a plataforma, acredito que mereça até um pouco mais de reconhecimento.
01 Jun 2023
31 Aug 2023
Un gioco mobile molto discreto e pieno di microtransazioni inutili, del film non ha letteralmente niente
27 Nov 2023
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