
Ark: Extinction

06 Nov 2018

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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N/A rating
26 want
69 played
11 playing
2 reviews
Studio Wildcard
Studio Wildcard



Finish your journey through the worlds of ARK in ‘Extinction’, where the story began and ends: on Earth itself! An Element-infested, ravaged planet filled with fantastical creatures both organic & technological, Earth holds both the secrets of the past and the keys to its salvation. As a veteran Survivor who has conquered all previous obstacles, your ultimate challenge awaits: can you defeat the gigantic roaming Titans which dominate the planet, and complete the ARK cycle to save Earth's future?

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Extinction is a DLC which you either love or hate . It is the culmination of the previous maps released, and offers a challenge on a scale unseen before in the game, with a plethora of new content. Once again, Gareth Coker kills it with the soundtrack. And although the map feels empty, I think that is the correct choice when considering it is supposed to be an abandoned, overrun Earth.
10 Dec 2022
Wildcard le bajó a la dificultad en este DLC, los nuevas armas y herramientas futuristas facilitan mucho la supervivencia, pero no te confíes, el Elemento lo ha corrompido todo en La Tierra, incluyendo a los dinos, los cuales te atacarán en hordas nada más verte.

Esta expansión está concebida para jugar horda vs horda con tus amigos, demostrándolo en las cuevas y en las batallas contra los jefes finales.
08 Dec 2023