Another Crab's Treasure

25 Apr 2024

PC (Microsoft Windows) Xbox One Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.7 rating
1166 want
1188 played
337 playing
109 reviews
Aggro Crab Games
Aggro Crab Games


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

12h 5m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

20h 45m
100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 7 answers

Another Crab’s Treasure is a soulslike adventure set in a crumbling underwater world plagued by a mysterious curse. As Kril the hermit crab, you’ll need to wear the trash around you as shells to withstand attacks from enemies many times your size. Embark on an epic treasure hunt to buy back your repossessed shell, and discover the dark secrets behind the polluted ocean.

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First, we had Pinocchio Dark Souls, and then we had Pokémon Dark Souls, and now we have Spongebob Dark Souls. What's next? Peppa Pig? Despicable Me? The Bee Movie?
17 May 2024
I wasn't considering playing this game till i saw my friend playing it so i thought why not

World- the game world design wasn't bad at all eveb tho it wasn't logical like wtf a damned factory for junk that requires electricity near a city but no one is affected by it that much? Also the foltasm area was nearly a replica of the expired grove but one is filled with poison to the neck and the other just for a bit but each had it's way of progress and explore but even tho there were great places like the shallows and the old ocean.

Mobs- in each area most of the enemies were the same but with some changes in their way of attacking and i liked that the studio is still small but had the ability to change the assets of mobs they had to another way is great especially the old ocean gosh they had put all their money there it's great the angilic horsemen (Calvaries) were amazing sadly and i'll get to that later i couldn't enjoy the area completely

Bosses- they were greattt actually they did a great job making them each of them had it's unique abilities and aggression and way of defeating like this one is hella of mad crab but has a low posture res so u can focus on deflecting his attacks and this one is catius and will attack only if u injured or aggressive and some may apply both and so on the game was easy actually i finished 70% of the game level 13 and the rest 14 so considering it's a " souls like " game so don't expect much

Gameplay and length- the game was too long and that made me really just wanting the game to finish i did like the action and the whor hunt but i didn't like that i had to face the an area that is too long to cross man they could've just made the area hard but short and that what i like about ds but they did her dirty there were great mobs there and some were shit ass but i didn't dare attacking them cuz of only one reason I don't feel like it to go all the way back and for the gameplay it had some great things like the shell spells and the adaptations and the stowaways by changing each of them u make another playstyle like i finished the game level 14 so i really needed to have something to compensate my lack of def and hp so i played the game as a vamp hermit sucking the blood fresh from my foes 🦇 but i hated and found it really annoying to deal with is that you can't cancel your attacks like when i charge and my opponent is about to hit me I can't roll i just gotta accept my fate and die and the shells they were mostly replica also but with different attributes like this shell has the same spell like that one but this one is heavy and that one is light and so on but i wish they made more rather that just copying the same spell over and over but overall the game was fun and i gladly give it a 8 out of 10
22 Jun 2024
this game is so charming!
The witty dialogue is so good and never feels like a bore to read,and the underwater narrative and the way they use the pollution to design the environment is so genius!and the story was cool too,ironically not taking itself seriously it’s still better than most others that do .
I only had an issue with the level design and map,the areas were great but its very easy to miss alot of the content and can kinda feel overwhelming,but that’s a trivial matter when all things considered.
Can’t forget the awesome shell system too.
05 Jan 2025
I just couldn't do it....the game was incredibly tuff, too much grinding and after the ark where I had left the city area to locate the so called "treasure" I quit because I got bored.
16 Oct 2024
Shity hotboxes for a wonderful game
02 Jan 2025
Fun game but has severe performance issues on the switch.
I sadly had to drop it because of the huge performance drops on the platform. I would say it's unplayable and very sad to see it in this state. Hope they patch it up on the Nintendo Switch
09 Sep 2024
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