Animal Well

09 May 2024

PlayStation 5 Nintendo Switch PC (Microsoft Windows)
8.9 rating
894 want
621 played
111 playing
54 reviews
Shared Memory



What lurks beneath the surface of this deceptively minimalistic adventure? In Animal Well there is more than what you see. Explore a dense interconnected labyrinth, and unravel its many secrets. Collect items to manipulate your environment in surprising and meaningful ways. Encounter creatures both beautiful and unsettling, and try to survive what lurks in the dark.

It's like Halo 2 meets Halo 3
18 May 2024
better than knack
20 May 2024
Better be good
15 May 2024
Idc what the upcoming games are, if this doesn't win indie goty, I'm gonna hire some lawyers.
31 May 2024
There are a dozen different Dunkey quotes I want to use to describe this game but instead I'm just going to say IT'S A MASTAPEACEE!
24 May 2024
Great atmosphere and art style. Sound design compliments the atmosphere well. Really loved how almost all of the items have multiple uses. Love that there are no real tutorials or hand holding. My issue with metroidvanias is that they use backtracking too much and i lose interest, which isnt really the games fault. Beat it and got a solid 60% of the collectibles but fell off before soing everything
15 May 2024
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