Amnesia: Rebirth

20 Oct 2020

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One Xbox Series X|S
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8.2 rating
1025 want
951 played
90 playing
37 reviews
Frictional Games
Frictional Games


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Main story

7h 12m
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Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 8 answers

Amnesia: Rebirth is a new descent into darkness from the creators of the iconic Amnesia series. Set in the desolate landscape of the Algerian desert, the game will focus on new character Tasi Trianon as she sets out on a harrowing journey through devastation and despair, personal terror and pain, while exploring the limits of human resilience.

slide 1 to 4 of 5
Can't come close to the first Amnesia game. Story was good , horror elements here and there, music meh, and gameplay was solid. Honestly I'm not really impressed...
02 Nov 2024
I don't know if I'm just scared or bored in a way that scares me
22 Mar 2023
Very good follow up to the dark decent. Doesn't have as many scary parts and junpscares but still a very spooky game. They absolutely nail atmosphere yet again with this game. I honestly prefer when the scares are better and more spread out than back to back as it makes them more impact full. Although the ghoul kinda got boring very fast and the light witch things got annoying after like the first encounter with them. Would have liked another monster or something. Scariest parts for me were by far the fortress trying to reach the radio as I had no clue what the creature was, what it looked like, but that it was in here with me. And the maze. That had me feeling anxious like the whole time.

The story was pretty solid and a lot easier to digest and clear than TDD. The voice actors went OFF in this game. Especially whoever voiced Tasi was amazing. I would have likes to see maybe a little more of the other crew that you fly in with but other than that good story. I liked the multiple ending system again and how it made the choices a little more clear unlike TDD. I destroyed the facility/world and died to free all thr tortured people. I figured out how to do this by exploring and finding notes, thought that was neat.

Graphics looked amazing and the attention to detail is very visible. Didn't have a single bug or glitch everything was perfect. Sound design as well was awesome I love how I can throw a bottle on thr ground and hear it roll away for like 5 minutes. Some really cool scenes with amazing graphics happen that were nice to see. Puzzles were fairly.easy and mainly the same 2 or 3 mechanics which I would have like to see a little more creative puzzles but they were still good, I really liked the one where you have to get the energy by fixing the machine to "do stuff" to that poor guy. Also love the callbacks to brennenburg and how some stuff relates back to the first game and explains it more. Like the harvesters, the energy supply and how it's obtained and a lot of the other Worldly.stuff going on. Overall great game, don't really understand some of the hate it gets a very fun and somewhat scary story game!
16 May 2024
An expanded Amnesia horror game. I like it.
02 May 2024
Platform: PS5
Game version: PS4 digital
Trophies: 65% - 30/41
Rating: (7) good ⚪⚪🟢⚪

Amnesia: Rebirth might not be as scary or challenging as The Dark Descent or Soma, but I enjoyed its bleak story and lovecraftian setting. Most of the puzzles were great and exploration was rewarded with necessary loot or lore bits. The hellish and alien-like Other World was pretty cool and I liked how the game alternated between that and the desert. This game doesn't hold your hand. Amnesia: Rebirth reminded me of Call of the Sea, another horror game also released in 2020 that I finished earlier this year.

I wasn't particularly fond of the "ghoul" monsters and like in Soma, some of the monster encounters felt more frustrating than scary. There were long unskippable cutscenes after every death and the savepoints were sometimes odd/random. Tasi, the protagonist, talked a lot which became a little tiring towards the end. The graphics were nothing to write home about, but that didn't really bother me as the art direction was solid. I encountered some minor bugs and framerate drops too.

All complaints aside, I'd definitely recommend Amnesia: Rebirth. It's a great mixture of classic horror and sci-fi (imagine Hellraiser written by H.G. Wells). It's more about the story and characters than cheap jump scares or excessive gore.
01 Sep 2023
me profaning tombs
04 Dec 2024
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