
31 Oct 1995

DOS Mac Super Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Saturn Amiga CD32 Amiga Atari Jaguar PlayStation PlayStation Portable PC (Microsoft Windows) Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
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333 played
3 playing
4 reviews
Tec Toy
GT Interactive Software
Ocean Software
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Worms combines the best elements from the very best games ever created. It requires great thought, strategy and elements of sheer outrageous fortune. It provides the players with an almost infinite range of playing possibilities. It does take a little while to get into the swing of things however and despite everyone’s insistence that you should not need to read a game manual to be able to play it. Worms can be played by 1-16 players at the same time - it’s a turn based game so you`ll only need one machine - but prepare to be at odds with your loved ones, get ready to shout abuse at your best friend and be willing to exact unadulterated terror on those who plot to hurt your worms. Team17 planned on producing Worms for the Virtual Boy back in 1995. Though, after a few weeks, they cancelled this plan due to the lack of interest of the publisher and the expected failure of the Virtual Boy.

It wasn't my genre of game but when i was little i played it anyway
21 Sep 2023
Worms Collection 1
10 Mar 2024
18 Oct 2022
Das erste Worms war genial, die ganzen Nachfolger meiner Meinung nach nur billige Aufgüsse. Hat aber wirklich nur zu zweit Spaß gemacht!
26 Feb 2024
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