
07 Aug 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) Linux Mac
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1 reviews



Take a trip back to the days of the early internet and fan forums, when the video game console "Kinmoku Shark" and its online social network "Videoverse" were still popular...

Nostalgic visual novel that made me think a lot about online communities that no longer exist, the good and bad of the early 2000s internet, and people we used to think we knew, but lost touch with.

Most of the gameplay immerses you in a fictional gaming system with a social network, complete with fictional friends, and trolls you can report. It soon felt very real, and things can go different ways depending on your choices, (although I’m not emotionally ready for a replay yet).

Some of the voice acting disrupted the mood for me but it only happens between chapters, and overall this was a lovely homage to internet nostalgia, online friendship, and the power of games to bring people together.
30 May 2024
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