Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction

20 Jan 2022

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S Google Stadia
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7.7 rating
593 want
880 played
101 playing
55 reviews
Ubisoft Montreal
Ubisoft Entertainment



Assemble your elite team of Rainbow Six Operators to launch incursions in the unpredictable containment zones and face off against an evolving Alien threat. Band together and put everything on the line as you take on this unknown enemy.

slide 1 to 4 of 5
A very well executed idea from Ubisoft! Love the environment they have created.
If you're into co-op games , I highly recommend this one!
02 Aug 2023
Not as much as great as Siege
it was fair
concept is good but it didn't deserve a separate game
04 Feb 2023
Love the rainbow six franchise but loved Seige more than this
10 Dec 2023
Rainbow Six Extraction is one of the boldest games in recent Ubisoft history. Not only does it exchange the series' staid military realism for a wonderfully grotesque universe of oozing, parasitic incursion, it also introduces a slew of mechanics determined to make us fear death. Returning to the scene of a failed mission in a desperate attempt to pry a friend's body from the festering horde is legitimately one of the most exhilarating operations I've ever attempted in a co-op video game. But Extraction's premise wore on me quickly, and its set of recurring objectives, while well designed, didn't offer quite enough intrigue to keep me excited about coming back for as long as some other similar games. As a result, Extraction resembles a generous, well-executed expansion pack rather than a brand-new game.
22 Oct 2023
Why is this game so underrated, in terms of coop versus the AI is really enjoyable and they keep coming with free content updates.
15 Dec 2022
Gameplay 8/10
Graphic 7/10
Soundtrack 8/10

"Rainbow six Extraction got a brilliant idea but unfortunately suffered from lack of content but still unique. Punishment system works perfectly and gives you a lot of tension and hard decisions but the mission gets too reiterative. Maps look good but most of the time they really look like each other. Also RBSE is a pretty hard game so don't forget to bring your squid with yourself cause it's a matter of life !! Single experience is fun but for real experience you need reliable squad just like Siege "

time played : 30h
Platform : Xbox series S
20 Aug 2022
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