The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare image

The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare

12 Oct 1992

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Super Famicom
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N/A rating
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101 played
2 playing
5 reviews
Sculptured Software
Tec Toy
Flying Edge



Bart has to stay up late and write a paper for class tomorrow. For once, he is determined to get a good mark. However, very quickly, he falls asleep. Nightmare after nightmare haunt his subconscious, and it is up to you to get over each one, so that Bart will eventually wake up. From such dreams as being in an episode of Itchy & Scratchy to swimming through his own bloodstream, this platformer offers a nice challenge through its many diverse levels.

Loved this game. I never owned it myself, but I used to rent it all the time. It's essentially a collection of mini games with various different mechanics. My favorites were the water slide game and the one where you throw tomatoes at people.
28 Jan 2024
Joguei muito quando criança mas nunca entendi a lógica do game e como progredir, lembro de inúmeras fases aleatórias.

Devido a isso e a repetição devido a dificuldade alta do game, resolvi dropar ele.

Desde então nunca mais quis tentar joga-lo, talves im dia eu possa dar uma chance
29 Jan 2024
emulador de Super Nintendo
26 Jan 2022
Muito difícil. Mas era divertido bagarai
08 Jul 2021
Un juego para amar y odiar. Entretiene y es un reto pero si no le tienes paciencia no servirá para ti.
16 Sep 2020
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