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Game series
The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors - Song for Prism
The Idolmaster Tours
Gakuen Idolmaster
The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors - Song for Prism
The Idolmaster: Starlit Season - Starlight Box
The Idolmaster: Starlit Season
The Idolmaster: SideM - Growing Stars
The Idolmaster: Poplinks
The Idolmaster: Shiny Colors
The Idolmaster: Stella Stage
The Idolmaster: Stella Stage - Stella Box
The Idolmaster: SideM - Live on Stage!
The Idolmaster: Million Live! Theater Days
The Idolmaster: Platinum Stars
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.9
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.8
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.7
The Idolmaster Must Songs: Presented by Taiko no Tatsujin - Ao-ban
The Idolmaster Must Songs: Presented by Taiko no Tatsujin - Aka-ban
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.6
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.5
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.4
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol.3
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol. 2
The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls - Gravure for You! Vol. 1
The Idolmaster: Million Live!
The Idolmaster: One For All
The Idolmaster: SideM
The Idolmaster: Shiny TV
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Melodic Disc
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Rhythmic Record
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Harmonic Score
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Honey Sound
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Groovy Tune
The Idolmaster: Shiny Festa - Funky Note
The Idolmaster: Gravure for You! Vol. 9