The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard

26 Jun 2012

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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7.1 rating
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614 played
25 playing
16 reviews
Bethesda Game Studios
Bethesda Softworks



The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard is the first official add-on / DLC. Dawnguard revolves around an ancient prophecy predicted by an Elder Scroll. Foretelling the eternal obfuscation of the sun, the scroll gave instructions on how to perform a magic ritual with a mythic bow and a special blood sacrifice. A legion of vampires known as the Volkihar Clan, lead by Lord Harkon, seek to actuate the prophecy by performing the ritual; the Dawnguard, a faction of crossbow-wielding vampire hunters counters their aims. Skyrim's Dragonborn protagonist chooses whether to join the Dawnguard and prevent Nirn from being plunged in an irrevocable night, or assist the vampire coven with realizing their malevolent ambition. introduced in Dawnguard are two unique skill trees, one for vampirism noted as "Vampire Lord" and one for lycanthropy. Twenty-two quests featured in the plug-in; twelve exist in the main quest, with several optional side quests. A few repeatable, radiant quests can also be completed. The questline forks at "A New Order", where allegiance between the Volkihar Clan and the Dawnguard must be selected. The side chosen is irreversible. There are a ton of new items, people and weapons added with this DLC

Serana is, by far in my opinion, the best companion.

Get your Enchant skill to 100, make weapons and armor specifically for her Destruction skills, and equip them on her.

A few times in 3rd person mode, I'd seen her kill a baddie and its corpse would fly away like that of a Giant strike.

Summon Arvak is a must.
If you are like me, then you must pick up all the weapons and armor from the fallen enemies.
After doing this in a few dungeons, you'll understand why I say having Arvak is a must.
15 Aug 2024
How petty that there's no option allows you to fw serana 😴
16 Feb 2025
Played special edition (ps4)
05 May 2023
Not on the same level as Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC, but close. I absolutely love Dawnguard's premise and story. The fact that you have the option to become a vampire slayer or a vampire lord brings a lot to be desired. I, for one, absolutely love Laura Bailey's performance as Serana, like many others.
15 Oct 2022
Many Times
14 Aug 2022
Played: 5 hours 21 minute
Record: 100% quests completed (except radiant)
Level: Legendary
Platform: Xbox360 (as a part of TES V: Legendary Edition)
12 May 2021
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