Suikoden III

11 Jul 2002

PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3
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8.5 rating
139 want
109 played
3 playing
2 reviews
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo



Fifteen years after the events of Suikoden II, the stories of Hugo (the son of a village chief), Chris (the virtuous Knight of Zexen), and Geddoe (the rebellious unit commander) intertwine as they gather the 108 Stars of Destiny. Suikoden III features three different battle systems and three styles of combat in a 3D world. Customize each of your three character's skills, and then pair them together to unleash devastating combo attacks.

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Divino, uma baita surpresa que me agradou muito.
Confrontos bons e desafiadores, enredo maravilhoso, personagens mega carismáticos, trilha sonora agradável, merecia ser bem mais apreciado.
Hugo best boy
24 Sep 2023
16 Feb 2023