Sonic Unleashed

20 Nov 2008

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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6.6 rating
315 want
1315 played
131 playing
57 reviews
Sonic Team


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Gameplay in Sonic Unleashed focuses on two modes of platforming play: fast-paced levels that take place during daytime, showcasing Sonic's trademark speed as seen in previous games in the series, and slower, night-time levels, during which Sonic's Werehog form emerges, and gameplay switches to an action-based, brawler style of play, in which Sonic battles Gaia enemies

In my honest opinion this is the best Sonic 3D game ever! At least the PS3/X360 version. Although the game has various flaws, the more I compare this game to other Sonic games this one continues to surprise me. A part from the immense amount of content in the game and awesome gameplay, the game does suffer from frame rate problems here and there.

P.s.: Based on the fact that this game has so many versions in which only one of them is actually good (this one), I don't understand why Sega would make so many versions of this game instead of optimize a single version of the game.
04 Jul 2023
The collectibles and the werehog levels was so bad and made the game one of the worst games I've ever played in my life
09 May 2023
Sonic fun. Werehog not fun.
08 Feb 2023
I just finished Sonic Unleashed and oh boy do I have some strong emotions and a lot to say about it. I have a lot more to say than I can be bothered to cover in this review but I need to vent at least a little bit.

Firstly, I feel like the internet tricked me into playing this game. I saw so many reviews and comments talking about how this game is super underrated and that it is actually one of the best Sonic games out there. If this game consisted of only the day levels I might agree with these people, but unfortunately more than half of the game is dedicated to the stupid werehog levels.

Now, I appreciate the idea of having both fast-paced, non-stop action levels and slower, exploration based levels to break up the gameplay, and early on the Werehog levels weren't that bad, but it wouldn't be a Sonic game if the fun wasn't eventually ruined by janky bullshit.
I wanted to die in real life every time I had to cross over those stupid high beams. They are slow, boring and often result in instant death meaning you will have to repeat these sequences multiple times when they become harder later. And the camera constantly changes angle on its own without warning, which in turn changes the direction Sonic moves, which then often results in Sonic plummeting to his death. 
Combine these sections with annoying flying enemies that you can barely hit with either ground or aerial attacks, a slippery double jump as well as slow box pushing/carrying for puzzles and you get some really frustrating levels. Not to mention that these levels go on forever. For comparison, a really exciting day level took me 5 mins to complete, while a night level that consisted mostly of slowing balancing on high beams took me 35 MINUTES.
I will never 100% complete this game because I refuse to replay the night levels to collect the medals I missed.

You can tell that the developers knew these levels were ass too because they added extra lives near the annoying sections instead of, you know, changing the level to make it fun. But hey, who has time to play-test and polish a game? Sonic Team have gotta go fast! SEGA want to compete with Nintendo but they don't seem to understand that Nintendo is so successful and make games that everyone loves because they actually take their time and don't release their games before they're finished. SEGA, on the other hand, expects you to enjoy their games anyway despite being unfinished and often not fun. You ask too much Sonic Team.

Can you please just release a Sonic game that doesn't have multiple glaring flaws for once? I want to enjoy these games. I do enjoy these games - but it comes at the cost of my patience and sanity. Unleashed, Colors, Generations and even Frontiers all show a lot of potential to be truly fantastic games but Sonic Team consistently falls short. 
25 Dec 2022
I can finally say it: Sonic games just simply don't have good level design
07 Jan 2024
Holy shit is this game great
28 Dec 2022
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