Snowboard Kids

12 Dec 1997

Nintendo 64
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The kids are arguing about their snowboarding skills. The debate escalates to the point where they decide to hold a snowboarding tournament to determine who is the best. One character, Shinobin, has no involvement whatsoever until he is unlocked by the player. In addition to the usual gameplay of a snowboarding game, Snowboard Kids adds "Shots" (special weapons used to attack players) and items which can help the player, hinder other players, or both. The game has nine main courses. Although some of the courses are snowy mountains, many are courses that would be unorthodox for snowboarding in the real world. Such courses include an amusement park, a desert, a vast valley, a dark highway, and a Japanese village during the cherry blossom festival. There were several game mechanics that were unique to Snowboard Kids from other snowboard games and racing games at the time. One was the addition of the second item slot, allowing each player to carry a shooting item and support item (such as a rock, or invisibility) at the same time. Also, players needed to pay 100 gold in order to grab an item during the race, which could be obtained either through performing tricks or collecting coins scattered across the course. All courses also required players to race down the hill for multiple laps. Once a player had reached the bottom of the hill, he or she would need to pass through the lift gate to be transported back to the top of the hill, and could not be attacked by other players in this transition.

Como eu nunca acordava de manhã pra alugar jogo, só sobrava jogos de N64 como esse pra alugar sábado a tarde.

É um joguinho que eu alugava com muita recorrência, eu tinha entre 12 e 14 anos. Então provavelmente eu gostava, era um jogo mais fácil de jogar do que o 1080° (jogo de snowboarding famoso de Nintendo 64), não precisava de muita habilidade pra fazer manobras e era basicamente descer montanha fazendo manobras e chegar em primeiro.

Nada demais.

🏆 100% - zerar todas as fases
10 Feb 2025
لعبة خرا تقلد ماريو كارت
التحكم خرا
الشخصيات اشكالهم خايسة وخشومهم كبيرة ومستفزة
المابات احسها متشابهة مع بعضها
مافيها متعة اللعبة مملة
تحسها نسخة سيئة من ماريو كارت
او النسخة السيئة لو كان في لعبة ماريو تزلج
وايضا الايتمات كلها متشابهة او مقلدة
كل الايتمات مقلدة من ماريو كارت وفوق هذا تتكرر
يعني كيف اوصف
يعني ايتم القفاز اللي ينرمي
في ايتم المظلة نفسه
في امثلة اكثر بس مالي خلق اكتب
المهم كل الايتمات ترميهم وبس مافي تنويع
اللعبة خايسة وماحبيتها ومملة
كل شيء سيء مافي اي سبب يخليك تلعبها
03 Aug 2024