Over the Hedge

09 May 2006

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2 Xbox Nintendo GameCube
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5.8 rating
78 want
377 played
8 playing
12 reviews
Edge of Reality



In the video game, which takes place a year after the movie, RJ, Hammy, Verne, and the gang feel that they need to have more things for the log (the area behind the hedge). This leads them on a wild romp through six different areas to snatch different things such as a popcorn machine and a TV for themselves. There are several mini games as bonuses in the game. All through the game, they try to take these things while avoiding the Sniffer, (Dwayne the Verminator), who tries to defeat them by using mind-controlled vermin he has captured as his "henchmen." At one point, many animals, including weasels, badgers, and even Vincent the bear are controlled.

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Juegazo y peliculón.
Recuerdo que había un minijuego de pegarse con cochecitos de golf. Y los cochecitos acababan explotando. Con los personajes dentro.
10 Feb 2024
الافضل في التاريخ
23 Jul 2022
Juego muy malo. Se basa en matar enemigos pulsando dos botones, es prácticamente un clicker. También tiene alguna mecánica y misiones alternativas a ello pero sin más

Lo mejor del juego son las cinemáticas y la propia película en la que está basado.
17 Oct 2024
tipo il miglior gioco mai fatto al mondo? tipo il picco assoluto? GIOCATE QUESTA MERDA🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️🔥🗣️
13 Jan 2025
Mais um jogo que eu esqueci que tinha zerado kkk mas zerei na infância kkk
27 Sep 2024
me flipaba, ahora ya no tanto
10 Jun 2024
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