
21 May 2019

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One
8.2 rating
345 want
505 played
31 playing
18 reviews
No Code
Devolver Digital



Observation is a sci-fi thriller uncovering what happened to Dr. Emma Fisher, and the crew of her mission, through the lens of the station’s artificial intelligence S.A.M.

Really liked the gameplay, truly unique, clever and a good challenge. Graphics and audio design good too....just wasn't keen on the actual story and knowing what to do and where to go was hard at times but nice to play something different. Controls could of been easier. Not sure there is much replay value though.
26 Jan 2024
Though it will be scary
07 Jan 2024
Wish I could have some things explained to me, but I'm sure it made sense to normal people
11 Oct 2023
Overall a pretty decent game with some annoyingly crippled controls that make navigation for the most past somewhat annoying. If you liked 2001 A Space Odyssey you'll probably like this. Could have been more memorable though.
14 Dec 2020
The highlight of the game is that we have to use the AI SAM (for some reason in the Russian translation ITSELF, not SAM) to help the main character to understand what is happening at the station and the gameplay for AI gives a special charm to the game and the plot. For the most part, the game is a solution to a set of small puzzles that tell the story of the crew, as well as hints at the purpose of their presence here. Just the story is quite interesting and the denouement will surprise many. But it is very confusing facial animation, which is at a very low level and destroys the atmosphere. Each of the characters looks like a toy astronaut. The development of each compartment is performed at the proper level. I enjoyed exploring the station and learning the history of each of the crew members.
20 Jul 2020
Es de esos juegos que al principio no tienes ni pvta idea de por donde cogerlo, pero si eres una persona curiosa y te va un poco el coco, tampoco está mal.

Es bastante raro, ya que se supone q nosotros somos la IA de la nave, por lo que se podría decir que es un juego de gestión, pero a la vez no es más que un juego narrativo con puzles súper ingeniosos y fumadas bastante propias de Christopher Nolan, lo cual no siempre es bueno. A mi por ejemplo, "Tenet" era tan enrevesado que me pareció una película de mie***.

Empeño le han metido, pero no el suficiente. Se han centrado en las voces, los efectos visuales y sonoros y la historia (95% relleno bro). Pero tio, la de físicas de mi3rd4, bugs visuales, personajes atravesando estructuras y el pésimo movimiento que tiene en ocasiones. Es digno de estudio jaja.

Poco más que decir. No es un mal juego, pero para lo poco claro que es, y complicado de entender y manejar. Para mí no merece la pena el tiempo invertido. Aún así ha sido un gameplay innovador. Grata experiencia.
20 May 2024
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