Ms. Pac-Man

13 Jan 1982

Commodore C64/128/MAX Apple II Sega Game Gear Xbox 360 Atari 8-bit Texas Instruments TI-99 DOS Arcade Commodore VIC-20 Sega Master System/Mark III ZX Spectrum
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8.4 rating
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132 played
1 playing
3 reviews
General Computer Corporation (GCC)
Bally Midway
Namco Hometek
Atari, Inc.



In 1982, a sequel to the incredibly popular Pac-Man was introduced in the form of his girlfriend, Ms. Pac-Man. This sequel continued on the "eat the dots/avoid the ghosts" gameplay of the original game, but added new features to keep the title fresh. Like her boyfriend, Ms. Pac-Man attempts to clear four various and challenging mazes filled with dots and ever-moving bouncing fruit while avoiding Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue, each with their own personalities and tactics. One touch from any of these ghosts means a loss of life for Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man can turn the tables on her pursuers by eating one of the four Energizers located within the maze. During this time, the ghosts turn blue, and Ms. Pac-Man can eat them for bonus points. The Energizer power only lasts for a limited amount of time, as the ghost's eyes float back to their center box, and regenerate to chase after Ms. Pac-Man again. Survive a few rounds of gameplay, and the player will be treated to humorous intermissions showing the growing romantic relationship between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, leading all the way up to the arrival of "Junior".

I prefer thus version over the original because it feel smoother. But overall it's just Pac-Man with a bow-tie on the yellow ball.
16 May 2023
Thank god these games are ghost themed so I can justify playing some of them out of curiosity in the month of october.
This one is basically a modded pac-man, but with somewhat improved animations and a cute little bow-tie.
Not gonna lie, the control somewhat feel smoother than the original pac-man, and the cherry bouncing was just cute.
I enjoyed the....5 hours (Holy F*ck) that I spent sitting on my ass and playing it obsessively.
I think I need to stop my unconsented Pac-man journey for a while, so I could play and finish actual horror games in October. Lol.
(Also, don't let namco know I played this. Shhhh. 🤫)
06 Oct 2022
Juego que nace gracias a crazy otto, esta versión esta mejorada y es mas entretenida que el pac-man original.
*Primer personaje de videojuegos con personalidad propio.
*Las frutas sw mueven por el mapa.
22 Apr 2024
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