
20 Oct 2008

Wii PlayStation 2 PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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55 played
3 playing
4 reviews
EA Bright Light
Electronic Arts



The famous Monopoly board game comes to the current generation of consoles featuring a variety of new features, including mini-games. The Monopoly video games promise a fresh take on the timeless classic with accessible gameplay for players of all ages and skill levels. The all-new digital gaming edition brings a party twist and features 4-player simultaneous play, ensuring that everyone is engaged and allowing the whole family to get involved in the fun and play together. Faster gameplay eliminates downtime freeing up players to wheel and deal their way through some of the most recognizable cities and landmarks from around the world. Families can fill up their passports as they try to unlock new and never-before-seen game boards or challenge each other to fun interactive mini-games like breaking out of the jail cell and running away with all the loot. Play in offline single or multi-player mode and compete to own it all and win!

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Me and my mom 100% completed this game, and all I can say, is that it kept breaking when I was about to lose
30 Aug 2023
اذكر كنا نلعب المنيبولي الورق من يوم شفنا هذي اللعبه قلنا واو هذي شكلها اسطوريه لكن طلعت مهو ذاك الزود الصراحة
07 Jul 2022
Jogo muito bom e gostoso para jogar com a família e amigos!
16 Feb 2025
Un gran monopoly. En este juego de monopoly podemos jugar al clásico más también a un montón de tableros distintos, hay mucha variedad. Los gráficos son bastante buenos y la banda sonora aunque esta bien al largo de las partidas va cansando. Para mi tiene un 8 de nota, un juego divertido para pasarlo en familia.
22 May 2024