Kirby's Dream Land 3

27 Nov 1997

Wii Super Nintendo Entertainment System Wii U Super Famicom
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N/A rating
138 want
320 played
25 playing
18 reviews
HAL Laboratory


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Main story

3h 40m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 1 answers

That mean old King Dedede is at it again! He's causing his mischief and Dreamland's in trouble! Kirby, the resident hero of Dreamland, sets out to teach Dedede a lesson, this time with the help of many of his good friends! But wait! Something's wrong! Dedede doesn't seem to be himself... Looks like Kirby has to stop Dedede and find out what is wrong with him! It almost seems like something's controlling him...

After the masterpiece that was Kirby Super Star, the pink ball return with the third title in the Dream Land saga and hoo boy, it's bad.
I can't even decide where to start. When I initialy booted the game up, I was shocked seeing how much this game looked and played like a downgrade from the previous title in the series.
While the art style and graphics may have their reason to be this way, they just don't click with me after the detailed Super Star. Kirby just move slow and clunky, and there's a bad imput lag which made the levels way harder than what they truly are.
The level design is definitely bad, no way around it: boring stages with forgettable music and even more boring side missions to get the true ending.
The imput are also unintuitive which is strange for a game mainly aimed at kids.
The CPU is stupid as hell and it's more of an obstacle than an helping hand.
This game is bad, just bad. I tried to like it but felt asleep while playing it; something I did not expect from a fast-paced series like Kirby.

So far the series had his highs and lows, but I consider this the worst game to this point (not counting Avalanche).
13 Apr 2023
Pls bring back pitch HAL. And not just a cameo but the birb himself. He's the only thing in this game i feel strongly about.
09 Apr 2023
Its ok, probably my least favorite in the trilogy, but decent enough.
01 Nov 2022
Just as good as Super Star
30 Jul 2020
leggero, nostalgico e confortevole. kirby's dream land 3 mi ha saputo sorprendere per l'uso di pastelli e grafiche a dir poco tenere, rappresentando l'infanzia. ad ogni livello abbiamo una storia, una storia che non ci viene raccontata ma fatta percepire, infatti alla fine del livello troviamo quell'esserino, persona o oggetto in solitudine, dove spetterà a noi trovare nel livello l'altra metà che lega la figura(con tanto di ost malinconiche). mi ha sorpreso la delicatezza del gioco, delicatezza che a sua volta viene spezzata dal boss segreto, un macabro occhio fatto di sangue. ma non solo per questo mi sento di dare un voto alto! un voto decisamente più alto di nightmare in dreamland!: gioco che è nettamente superiore a livello di contenuto, ma assente di sensazioni nostalgiche. essendo un ragazzo nostalgico ed emotivo, questa tenera pallina rosa mi ha conquistato! e sempre lo farà ogni volta che salirà su quegl'animaletti a sua volta tenerissimi !!
14 Mar 2025
il mondo ti odia ma io ti voglio bene
20 Mar 2025
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