Kirby and the Forgotten Land

25 Mar 2022

Nintendo Switch
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8.8 rating
3343 want
4028 played
789 playing
244 reviews
HAL Laboratory


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100% completion

28h 46m
Based on 20 answers

Join Kirby in an unforgettable journey through a mysterious world in a delightful 3D platforming adventure. Take control of the powerful pink puffball, Kirby, and move around freely in 3D stages as you discover a mysterious world with abandoned structures from a past civilization - like a shopping mall?! Copy enemies’ abilities like Sword and Ice and use them to attack and explore your surroundings! What journey awaits Kirby? Take a deep breath and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

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Kirby's first foray into a fully 3D adventure and they pulled it off so well the first time because this is hands down my favourite Kirby game. They managed to translate the gameplay of the 2D games so well into 3D that there's nothing I really feel like is missing from the 2D games. This could easily be the new formula for the Kirby series going forward.
19 Jun 2023
This game has absolutely no business being this epic.
I never thought I'd be screaming in my living room like I was a character from Dragonball Z while playing a Kirby game.
05 Nov 2022
Kirby finally gets a full 3D title!
Platforming and action all feel really solid, with a great soundtrack.
Level design feels good, pretty typical 3D Nintendo game. There is a world map where you pick a stage, and stages are broken up in smaller isolated areas, rather than open world.
Kirby is the delightful little pink puffball we all know and love.
His abilities in this one can be upgraded at a shop in town by spending currency found in game, letting their attacks evolve. The town also has a few mini games, in game video cinema, gotcha trophy machine, and a kitchen to buy an extra healing item to keep in your pocket if things get messy.
Each level has specific extra goals (these are widely varied, and are revealed after you finish the stage once), each rescuing a Waddle Dee which are your main goal for the game.
Couch co-op multiplayer works great, 2nd player gets to control Bandana Waddle Dee.
25 May 2022
Rating: 7.5⭐
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the first 3D kirby game, and a step in the right direction. The game is fun, it looks really good,but it feels too simple and maybe too easy. I would've also liked more unique abilities instead of variations/upgrades but it's cool i guess. Overall the game is good, but pretty forgettable.
Played on: Steam Deck😅
Finishing date: 10 feb 2024🗓️
10 Feb 2024
What can I say that hasn't been said? New favorite Kirby game. Best in my opinion. I really don't have many gripes with the game. The jump to 3D was damn near perfect. I did miss some other favorite abilities like Spark, Wheel and Water but they went for quality> quantity for their first 3D Kirby game.

01 Feb 2024
one of the best if not the best game on switch hands down and thank you Nintendo for keeping couch coup alive and well.
27 Feb 2023
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