James 'Buster' Douglas Knock Out Boxing image

James 'Buster' Douglas Knock Out Boxing

01 Jul 1990

Sega Master System/Mark III Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
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Sega of America



Final Blow is an action game based around the sport of boxing. You can play the fighters in a sequence of knock-out competitions, (the computer versions also include a round-robin league). Rounds last one minute, with a short break in between them. As in the real sport, your aim is to knock your opponent down for 10 seconds, by gradually weakening him with a series of punches. You can block punches, to avoid them inflicting damage onto you. The ring is of a limited size, so players can be cornered, although the referee will intervene to break the boxers up if they become entangled in a stalemate position.

En Europa este juego se llamó Heavyweight Champ. La verdad es que el control era bastante tosco, pero cuando no había tantos juegos para elegir como hoy en día, uno no podía ser tan exquisito. Así que, a pesar de todo, fueron cientos los combates que llegué a jugar.
14 Jul 2021
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